Given a directory with the following information:
drwxrwxrwxt 12 tu tg 36864 2012-03-15 /home/directory/
Which of the following statements are true?(Choose two)
A. Everybody can create files in the directory.
B. Files in the directory are created with read, write and execute permissions for everyone.
C. The directory is broken.
D. Everybody can delete only his own files.
E. The directory is a security risk.
When a new user is added, where does his user ID gets stored?
A. /etc/users
B. /etc/realm
C. /etc/pass
D. /etc/shpasswd
E. /etc/passwd
Which of the following will change the group that is associated with a file?
A. chmod
B. chmod -w
C. chown
D. ls -g
Which of the following properties of a user account determines whether the user is given administrator privileges?
A. Its primary group ID is 0 (zero).
B. It is listed first in /etc/passwd
C. Its username is root.
D. Its user ID is 0 (zero).
E. Its GECOS (name) field is set to "System Administrator"
Which TWO commands can be used to make the file /tmp/foo.txt readable for all users?
A. chmod 111 /tmp/foo.txt
B. chmod 444 /tmp/foo.txt
C. chmod 770 /tmp/foo.txt
D. chmod 644 /tmp/foo.txt
E. chmod 640 /tmp/foo.txt
What are the three sets of permissions for a file?
A. user, group, others
B. administrator, group, others
C. user, standard user, others
D. administrator, standard user, others
Which of the following is the home folder for the root user?
A. /user/root
B. /
C. /root
D. /home/root
What is the command to change the password of a user?
A. wpasswd
B. gpasswd
C. epasswd
D. passwd
E. password
What command line will create the user falco with home directory assigned to the group users as primary group?
A. useradd -g users falco
B. useradd -f users falco
C. useradd -m -g users falco
D. add user falco@users
E. add -user falco -group users
Which statement about users and user groups is correct?
A. A group can only have one main user.
B. There can be only one user group on a system.
C. User do not have to belong to a user group.
D. Every user belongs to a least one user group.
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