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    :149 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 23, 2025

CIW CIW Certifications 1D0-437 Questions & Answers

  • Question 41:

    Consider the following program code:

    @array = ("one", "two"); push(@array, "three"); shift(@array);

    unshift(@array, "four");

    pop(@array); print($array[0]);

    What is the output of this code?

    A. one

    B. two

    C. three

    D. four

  • Question 42:

    Consider the following program code:

    @array = ("ALPHA", "beta", "GaMmA");



    What is the output of this code?

    A. beta GaMmA ALPHA

    B. ALPHA GaMmA beta

    C. ALPHA beta GaMmA

    D. beta ALPHA GaMmA

  • Question 43:

    Consider the following program code:

    $i = 15;

    LOOP: for(; $i < 25; $i++)


    if ($i % 2)


    next LOOP;


    print($i );


    What is the result of executing this program code?

    A. The code will output the following: 15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

    B. The code will output the following: 15 17 19 21 23 25

    C. The code will fail at line 2 because $i is not initialized.

    D. The code will output the following: 16 18 20 22 24

  • Question 44:

    Consider the following program code:

    @arrayA = (10, 20, 30);

    @arrayB = @arrayA;

    $arrayB[1] = 40;

    print $arrayA[1];

    What is the output of this code?

    A. 10

    B. 20

    C. 30

    D. 40

  • Question 45:

    Consider the following program code:

    @stack = (10, 10..25); push(@stack,

    yellow); shift(@stack); push(@stack,

    white); print shift(@stack);

    What is the result of executing this program code?

    A. The code will fail at line 3 because shift requires two arguments.

    B. The code will output the following: 11

    C. The code will output the following: 10

    D. The code will output the following: white

  • Question 46:

    Which one of the following statements uses correct syntax and expressions?

    A. do (print "Hello $a") until ($a = 10);

    B. do {$a++} until {$a == $b}\;

    C. do {$in = $in++} while ($in < 100);

    D. do ($a++) until ($b = $a);

  • Question 47:

    Consider the program code in the attached exhibit.

    What is the result of executing this program code?

    A. The code will output the following: 3 4

    B. The code will output the following: 1 2 3 4

    C. The code will output the following: 1 2 4 5

    D. The code will output the following: 1 2 5

  • Question 48:

    Consider the following program code:

    print(1 );

    BEGIN { print(2 ); }

    END { print(3 ); }

    BEGIN { print(4 ); }



    package MyPackage;

    print(5 );


    What is the result of executing this program code?

    A. The code will output the following: 1 2 3 4 5

    B. The code will output the following: 2 4 1 5 3

    C. The code will output the following: 2 1 3 4 5

    D. The code will output the following: 2 4 1 3

  • Question 49:

    Consider the following program code:

    $var = 10;

    package Alpha;

    $var = 20;


    package Beta;

    $var = 30;


    package Gamma;

    $var = 40;


    print $var;


    What is the output of this code?

    A. 10

    B. 20

    C. 30

    D. 40

  • Question 50:

    Consider the following code:

    %hashA = ("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "alpha");

    %hashA = reverse(%hashA);

    print $hashA{"alpha"};

    What is the result of executing this code?

    A. The code outputs the following: alpha

    B. The code outputs the following: beta

    C. The code outputs the following: gamma

    D. The code fails at line 3.

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