Which Endpoint > Setting should an administrator utilize to locate unmanaged endpoints on a network subnet?
A. Discover Endpoints
B. Endpoint Enrollment
C. Discover and Deploy
D. Device Discovery
Which URL is responsible for notifying the SES agent that a policy change occurred in the cloud console?
A. spoc.norton.com
B. stnd-ipsg.crsi-symantec.com
C. ent-shasta.rrs-symantec.com
D. ocsp.digicert.com
What is the primary issue pertaining to managing roaming users while utilizing an on- premise solution?
A. The endpoint is missing timely policy update
B. The endpoint is absent of the management console
C. The endpoint fails to receive content update
D. The endpoint is more exposed to threats
Which SES security control protects against threats that may occur in the Impact phase?
A. Device Control
C. Antimalware
D. Firewall
An administrator learns of a potentially malicious file and wants to proactively prevent the file from ever being executed.
What should the administrator do?
A. Add the file SHA1 to a blacklist policy
B. Increase the Antimalware policy Intensity to Level 5
C. Add the filename and SHA-256 hash to a Blacklist policy
D. Adjust the Antimalware policy age and prevalence settings
Which SEPM-generated element is required for an administrator to complete the enrollment of SEPM to the cloud console?
A. Token
B. SEPM password
C. Certificate key pair
D. SQL password
Which default role has the most limited permission in the Integrated Cyber Defense Manager?
A. Restricted Administrator
B. Limited Administrator
C. Server Administrator
D. Endpoint Console Domain Administrator
Wh.ch Firewall rule components should an administrator configure to block facebook.com use during business hours?
A. Action, Hosts(s), and Schedule
B. Action, Application, and Schedule
C. Host(s), Network Interface, and Network Service
D. Application, Host(s), and Network Service
Which rule types should be at the bottom of the list when an administrator adds device control rules?
A. General "catch all" rules
B. General "brand defined" rules
C. Specific "device type" rules
D. Specific "device model" rules
How long does a blacklist task remain in the My Tasks view after its automatic creation?
A. 180 Days
B. 30 Days
C. 60 Days
D. 90 Days
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