An administrator receives an error on a vSphere cluster as shown in the Exhibit.
Based on the exhibit, which three configuration changes can resolve the error? (Choose three.)
A. Change the Admission Control policy for the cluster.
B. Adjust CPU and Memory reservations of the virtual machines.
C. Increase the amount of failover resources in the cluster.
D. Reconfigure the ESXi host cluster for High Availability.
E. Disable Virtual Machine Monitoring.
Correct Answer: ABC
Explanation: A,BandC vSphere HA Admission Control vCenter Server uses admission control to ensure that sufficient resources are available in a cluster to provide failover protection and to ensure that virtual machine resource reservations are respected. Three types of admission control are available. Host Ensures that a host has sufficient resources to satisfy the reservations of all virtual machines running on it. Resource Pool Ensures that a resource pool has sufficient resources to satisfy the reservations, shares, and limits of all virtual machines associated with it. vSphere HA Ensures that sufficient resources in the cluster are reserved for virtual machine recovery in the event of host failure. Link:
Question 152:
Refer to the Exhibit.
An administrator would like to add Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) to an iSCSI adapter. The administrator accesses the Storage Adapters menu as shown in the Exhibit.
In which tab can the task be accomplished?
A. Properties
B. Advanced Options
C. Targets
D. Devices
Correct Answer: A
1 Access the iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog box.
2 On the General tab, click CHAP.
3 To configure one-way CHAP, under CHAP specify the following:
a. Select the CHAP security level.
Do not use CHAP unless required by target (software and dependent hardware iSCSI only)
Use CHAP unless prohibited by target
Use CHAP (software and dependent hardware iSCSI only). To configure mutual CHAP, you must select
this option.
b.Specify the CHAP name.
Make sure that the name you specify matches the name configured on the storage side.
To set the CHAP name to the iSCSI initiator name, select Use initiator name.
To set the CHAP name to anything other than the iSCSI initiator name, deselect Use initiator name and
type a name in the Name text box.
c. Enter a one-way CHAP secret to be used as part of authentication. Use the same secret that you enter on the storage side.
4 To configure mutual CHAP, first configure one-way CHAP by following the directions in Step 3. Make sure to select Use CHAP as an option for one-way CHAP. Then, specify the following under Mutual CHAP:
Select Use CHAP.
Specify the mutual CHAP name.
Enter the mutual CHAP secret. Make sure to use different secrets for the one-way CHAP and mutual CHAP.
Review the Exhibit. An administrator has configured permissions for a group called VMGroup and a user named VMUser. A new Role has been created called PowerVM. The group and role have these characteristics:
PowerVM role can power on VMs
VMGroup granted PowerVM role on VMFolder
VMUser is a member of VMGroup
VMUser granted No Access on VMFolder
Based on the exhibit, which statement best explains why VMUser is denied access to the VMFolder?
A. The VMUser permission overrides the VMGroup permission.
B. The No Access role overrides the PowerVM role.
C. The VMGroup permission overrides the VMUser permission.
D. The PowerVM role overrides the No Access role.
Correct Answer: A
User Permissions Overriding Group Permissions:
This example illustrates how permissions assigned directly to an individual user override permissions
assigned to a group that the user is a member of.
In this example, permissions are assigned to a user and to a group on the same object.
Role 1 can power on virtual machines.
Group A is granted Role 1 on VM Folder.
User 1 is granted No Access role on VM Folder.
User 1, who belongs to group A, logs on. The No Access role granted to User 1 on VM Folder overrides
the group permission. User 1 has no access to VM Folder or VMs A and B.
Example 3: User Permissions Overriding Group Permissions
The setting in vSphere is a property of the ESX(i) host, found within the configuration tab in the Virtual
Machine Startup/Shutdown options section.
A VM startup sequence can be set with timing for each host.
The properties section will allow the startup options to be configured. It is a good idea to shorten their
startup time if the hosts power up and are ready to go. This may not be the case with SAN or NAS systems
in use, which may take more time to start up.
To power on a virtual machine from the command line:
List the inventory ID of the virtual machine with the command:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms |grep
Note: The first column of the output shows the vmid.
Check the power state of the virtual machine with the command:
The Exhibit shows the status of vmhba32 and vmhba33 as Unbound. What is a likely reason for this status?
A. The host bus adapter is not associated with a vmknic.
B. The Dynamic Target Discovery was not configured.
C. The Static Target Discovery was not configured.
D. The host bus adapter is not associated with a vmnic.
Correct Answer: A
For sharing a volume across hosts, a VMFS volume is bound to its underlying block device storage. When a low level block copy is performed to copy or move the VMFS volume, the copied volume will be unbound. When using Broadcom network interfaces with Hardware iSCSI Offload capabilities such as BCM5709 and BCM57711, each of the network interfaces shows up as individual storage adapters in the Configuration tab of an ESX host and each adapter also has an individual IQN. However, when you configure the adapter for iSCSI, you observe these symptoms: You are unable to add any discovery addresses. When observing the Dynamic or Static Discovery tabs in the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, you see the message: The host bus adapter is not associated with a vmknic. To configure targets the adapter should be associated with a vmknic. Refer to the VMware documentation to associate the adapter with a vmknic. vSphere 6.0 Documentation Center - VMware
Question 155:
An administrator has recently configured HA on a cluster. After reviewing the summary tab on one of the hosts, the warning in Exhibit 1 is displayed:
The administrator proceeds to view the management network port group data shown in Exhibit 2:
The administrator then views the management network vSwitch as shown in Exhibit 3:
Based on the exhibits, which two steps should be taken to ensure redundancy on the management network? (Choose two.)
A. Move vmnic1 to Standby adapters.
B. Add an additional vmknic to the Network Adapters and move it to Active adapters.
C. Set the advanced HA configuration parameter das.ignoreRedundantNetWarning to True.
D. Uncheck the Override Failover Checkbox on the management network port group.
Correct Answer: AD
Explanation: A and D
Use Load Balancing and Failover policies to determine how network traffic is distributed between adapters
and how to reroute traffic in the event of an adapter failure.
The Failover and Load Balancing policies include the following parameters:
Load Balancing policy: The Load Balancing policy determines how outgoing traffic is distributed among the
network adapters assigned to a standard switch. Incoming traffic is controlled by the Load Balancing policy
on the physical switch.
Failover Detection: Link Status/Beacon Probing
Network Adapter Order (Active/Standby)
In some cases, you might lose standard switch connectivity when a failover or failback event occurs. This
causes the MAC addresses used by virtual machines associated with that standard switch to appear on a
different switch port than they previously did. To avoid this problem, put your physical switch in portfast or
An administrator is troubleshooting intermittent poor performance of virtual machines in a vSphere 6.x cluster. Investigating esxtop data shows that the only statistic that stands out is %CSTP as depicted in Exhibit 1:
The administrator proceeds to switch to the Power Management screen and observes the data depicted in Exhibit 2:
Based on the information in the exhibits, which two configurations are probable causes of the poor performance? (Choose two.)
A. The active power policy is set to Low Power.
B. The host has active Sleep States configured in the BIOS.
C. The active power policy is set to High Performance.
D. The host has active Power States configured in the BIOS.
Correct Answer: AB
A and B Analyzing esxtop columns
Refer to this table for relevant columns and descriptions of these values: Column Description CMDS/s This is the total amount of commands per second and includes IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) and other SCSI commands such as SCSI reservations, locks, vendor string requests, unit attention commands etc. being sent to or coming from the device or virtual machine being monitored. In most cases, CMDS/s = IOPS unless there are a lot of metadata operations (such as SCSI reservations) DAVG/cmd This is the average response time in milliseconds per command being sent to the device. KAVG/cmd This is the amount of time the command spends in the VMkernel. GAVG/cmd This is the response time as it is perceived by the guest operating system. This number is calculated with the formula: DAVG + KAVG = GAVG
An administrator recently created a Virtual SAN but no Storage Policies were defined. A few virtual machines were deployed to this cluster. The administrator analyzes the default Virtual SAN policy as shown in the Exhibit.
Based on the exhibit, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Losing one cluster node will not affect data availability.
B. Losing one Hard Disk in a cluster node will not affect data availability.
C. Creating a virtual machine Swap file will fail if it violates default storage policy.
D. Creating a virtual machine will succeed even if it violates default storage policy.
Correct Answer: AB
Policies Rules: Defines the number of host, disk, or network failures a virtual machine object can tolerate.
For n failures tolerated, n+1 copies of the virtual machine object are created and 2n+1 hosts with storage
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