What is the name of the High Availability agent log?
A. fdm.log
B. ha.log
C. vpxa.log
D. aam.log
Correct Answer: A
Logs from vCenter Server Components on ESXi 5.1 and 5.5
When an ESXi 5.1 / 5.5 host is managed by vCenter Server 5.1 and 5.5, two components are installed,
each with its own logs:
/var/log/vpxa.log: vCenter Server vpxa agent logs, including communication with vCenter Server and the Host Management hostd agent.
/var/log/fdm.log: vSphere High Availability logs, produced by the fdm service. For more information, see the vSphere HA Security section of the vSphere Availability Guide.
An administrator wants to select a Host Power Management Policy for an ESXi 6.x host that will disable most hardware power management features.
Which Host Power Management Policy should be selected to meet this requirement?
A. High Performance
B. Balanced
C. Low Power
D. Disabled
Correct Answer: A
High Performance The VMkernel detects certain power management features, but will not use them unless the BIOS requests them for power capping or thermal events
An administrator notices that a Windows virtual machine is using 95% CPU in Task Manager.
Which two actions should be taken to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)
A. Increase the memory reservation of the virtual machine.
B. Increase the CPU Shares on the resource pool where the virtual machine resides.
C. Decrease the CPU reservation of the virtual machine.
D. Increase the CPU limit on the resource pool where the virtual machine resides.
Correct Answer: BD
Determine whether the high ready time for the virtual machine resulted from its CPU usage time reaching the CPU limit setting. If so, increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine.
Increase the CPU shares to give the virtual machine more opportunities to run. The total ready time on the host might remain at the same level if the host system is constrained by CPU. If the host ready time doesn't decrease, set the CPU reservations for high-priority virtual machines to guarantee that they receive the required CPU cycles.
An administrator is troubleshooting a CPU performance related problem for the SlowVM virtual machine.
Which three actions should the administrator take to improve CPU performance for SlowVM? (Choose three.)
A. Increase the number of vCPUs assigned to SlowVM.
B. Decrease the number of vCPUs assigned to SlowVM.
C. Power off other VMs running on the same ESXi host.
D. Increase the CPU limit for SlowVM.
E. Move SlowVM to another ESXi host with more physical CPU resources available.
Correct Answer: BCE
CPU Performance Enhancement Advice 1 Verify that VMware Tools is installed on every virtual machine on the host. 2 Compare the CPU usage value of a virtual machine with the CPU usage of other virtual machines on the host or in the resource pool. The stacked bar chart on the host's Virtual Machine view shows the CPU usage for all virtual machines on the host. 3 Determine whether the high ready time for the virtual machine resulted from its CPU usage time reaching the CPU limit setting. If so, increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine. 4 Increase the CPU shares to give the virtual machine more opportunities to run. The total ready time on the host might remain at the same level if the host system is constrained by CPU. If the host ready time doesn't decrease, set the CPU reservations for high-priority virtual machines to guarantee that they receive the required CPU cycles. 5 Increase the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machine. This decreases disk and or network activity for applications that cache. This might lower disk I/O and reduce the need for the ESX/ESXi host to virtualize the hardware. Virtual machines with smaller resource allocations generally accumulate more CPU ready time. 6 Reduce the number of virtual CPUs on a virtual machine to only the number required to execute the workload. For example, a single-threaded application on a four-way virtual machine only benefits from a single vCPU. But the hypervisor's maintenance of the three idle vCPUs takes CPU cycles that could be used for other work. 7 If the host is not already in a DRS cluster, add it to one. If the host is in a DRS cluster, increase the number of hosts and migrate one or more virtual machines onto the new host. 8 Upgrade the physical CPUs or cores on the host if necessary. 9 Use the newest version of ESX/ESXi, and enable CPU-saving features such as TCP Segmentation Offload, large memory pages, and jumbo frames.
An administrator is concerned about possible vCPU over-commitment for an ESXi 6.x host.
Which two Performance Counters should be reviewed in the vSphere Web Client Performance Charts to confirm if there is contention on the host? (Choose two.)
A. Wait
B. Ready
C. Core Utilization
D. Co-Stop
Correct Answer: BD
To check vCPU over commitment for an Esxi 6.0 host>>>>>performance Tab>>>>Graph etc.
Ready - Amount of time the virtual machine was ready to run, waiting in a queue to be scheduled.
Co-Stop - Amount of time a SMP virtual machine was ready to run, but incurred delay due to co-vCPU
scheduling contention.
These performance metrics can be reviewed using the Performance tab in the vSphere Client or using the
esxtop or resxtop command-line utilities. Choose the most appropriate method for your environment. Make note of the four metrics displayed. Each is measured in milliseconds https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do? language=en_USandcmd=displayKCandexternalId=1017926
Question 199:
A virtual machine is exhibiting these symptoms:
Memory usage is constantly high (94% or greater) or constantly low (24% or less).
Free memory is consistently 6% or less and swapping frequently occurs
Which three solutions could correct this problem? (Choose three.)
A. Verify that VMware Tools is installed on each virtual machine.
B. Decrease the memory reservation setting, if higher than active memory.
C. Add physical memory to the host.
D. Disable the balloon driver in each virtual machine.
E. Create a memory limit for each virtual machine.
Correct Answer: ABC
Memory usage is constantly high (94% or greater) or constantly low (24% or less).
Free memory consistently is 6% or less and swapping frequently occurs. Cause
The host probably is lacking the memory required to meet the demand. The active memory size is the same as the granted memory size, which results in memory resources that are not sufficient for the workload. Granted memory is too much if the active memory is constantly low.
Host machine memory resources are not enough to meet the demand, which leads to memory reclamation and degraded performance.
The active memory size is the same as the granted memory size, which results in memory resources that are not sufficient for the workload. Solution
Verify that VMware Tools is installed on each virtual machine. The balloon driver is installed with VMware Tools and is critical to performance.
Verify that the balloon driver is enabled. The VMkernel regularly reclaims unused virtual machine memory by ballooning and swapping. Generally, this does not impact virtual machine performance.
Reduce the memory space on the virtual machine, and correct the cache size if it is too large. This frees up memory for other virtual machines.
If the memory reservation of the virtual machine is set to a value much higher than its active memory, decrease the reservation setting so that the VMkernel can reclaim the idle memory for other virtual machines on the host.
Migrate one or more virtual machines to a host in a DRS cluster.
An administrator is troubleshooting a virtual machine performance issue using vRealize Operations.
Which two badges would help to identify possible resource contention concerns? (Choose two.)
A. Health > Workload
B. Health > Faults
C. Risk > Time Remaining
D. Risk > Stress
Correct Answer: AD
The Workload badge shows how hard an object is working. A higher workload score indicates that an object is doing more work. Obviously, you don't want objects out there doing zero work, as that is waste but, as the same time, you also don't want objects completely maxed out with a workload score of 100 either. Workload is an absolute measurement that calculates the demand for a resource divided by the capacity of an object. Resources might include CPU, memory, disk I/O, or network I/O. vC Ops will help you to balance workload across your resource objects effectively.
Stress badge reports the stress that an object is under. Just as your stress level is related to your workload, so is the stress score in vC Ops. The stress score is based on long-term high workload (where the workload score is instantaneous workload). Stress in the virtual infrastructure might come from VMs that are undersized, hosts that are overloaded, or datastores with consistently high I/O latency. Stress is reported between 0 and 100 with 100 being very high stress and 0 being no stress. Reference: http://blogs.vmware.com/management/2014/04/david-davis-on-vcenter-operations-post-8-understandingvcenter-operations-badges.html
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