Which three parameters should be considered when calculating the bandwidth for vSphere Replication? (Choose three.)
A. Data change rate
B. Traffic rates
C. Link speed
D. Application type
E. Hardware type
Correct Answer: ABC
Explanation: The amount of network bandwidth that vSphere Replication requires to replicate virtual machines efficiently depends on several factors in your environment.
When importing an existing SSL certificate into vSphere Replication Server, which file format is required?
A. PKCS#12
Correct Answer: A
Converting the signed certificate to PKCS#12 format After you receive the certificate (ending in .cer or .crt) from your certificate authority. It must be converted to the PKCS#12 format. To convert it requires key files you generated while generating the certificate request and the signed certificate:
Copy the signed certificate file to the server where you generated the certificate signing request.
Use OpenSSL to generate the PKCS#12 certificate: openssl pkcs12 -export -in protected.cer -inkey protected.key -name "vrprot" -passout pass:replication55 out protected.p12 openssl pkcs12 -export -in recovery.cer -inkey recovery.key -name "vrdr" -passout pass:replication55 -out recovery.p12
VMware vSphere Replication protects virtual machines from partial or complete site failures by replicating the virtual machines between which three sites? (Choose three.)
A. From a source site to a target site.
B. From within a single site from one cluster to another.
C. From multiple source sites to a shared remote target site.
D. From a single source site to multiple remote target sites.
E. From multiple source sites to multiple remote target sites.
Correct Answer: ABC
Overview of VMware vSphere Replication VMware vSphere Replication is an extension to VMware vCenter Server that provides hypervisor-based virtual machine replication and recovery. vSphere Replication is an alternative to storage-based replication. It protects virtual machines from partial or complete site failures by replicating the virtual machines between the following sites:
From a source site to a target site
Within a single site from one cluster to another
From multiple source sites to a shared remote target site
An administrator has configured a vSphere 6.x DRS cluster as shown in the Exhibit.
Based on the exhibit, which statement is true?
A. A virtual machine can be powered on in the Test Resource Pool with a 6 GB Memory Reservation.
B. A virtual machine can be powered on in the Dev Resource Pool with a 8 GB Memory Reservation.
C. A virtual machine from both the Test Resource Pool and the Dev Resource Pool can be powered on with a 4 GB Memory Reservation.
D. No more virtual machines can be powered on due to insufficient resources.
Correct Answer: A
A virtual machine can be powered on in the Test Resource Pool with a 6 GB Memory Reservation because: Total is 8GB 1Gb used by test resource pool VM which is powered on and 2gb by Test dev pool VM powered on hence distribution is less and expandable memory quota is more/left.
To understand limits and theory check the information given below: Memory Maximums The ESXi host maximums represents the limits for ESXi host memory. Table 3-2. ESXi Host Memory Maximums Item Maximum RAM per host 6 TB 12 TB is supported on specific OEM certified platform. See VMware Hardware Compatibility Limits for guidance on the platforms that support vSphere 6.0 with 12 TB of physical memory. Number of swap files 1 per virtual machine
And, Resource Pool Resource pools per host 1600 Children per resource pool 1100 Resource pool tree depth 8 Additional 4 resource pools are used by system internals. Resource pools per cluster 1600
An administrator has created a resource pool named Marketing HTTP with a Memory Limit of 24 GB and a CPU Limit of 10,000 MHz.
The Marketing HTTP resource pool contains three virtual machines:
Mktg-SQL has a memory reservation of 16 GB.
Mktg-App has a memory reservation of 6 GB.
Mktg-Web has a memory reservation of 4 GB.
What would happen if all three virtual machines are powered on?
A. All three virtual machines can power on, but will have memory contention.
B. All three virtual machines can power on without memory contention.
C. Only two of the three virtual machines can power on.
D. Only one of the virtual machines can power on.
Correct Answer: C
Applying a limit on a vCPU and memory will slow your VM down no matter what because of distribution of resources. Even if there are no other VMs running on that 4 socket quad core host. Powering on all the virtual machine will enables 100% resources to be used by VM hence, only few required VM's will powered "On" which requires the maximum utilization from the available resources. Example: When a single (or two) VM has a limit of 5000MHz and 16GB, 6 GB Memory = 22gb utilization will be high and is the only VM running on a host than it will run it full speed as it will be constantly rescheduled for 5000MHz and maximum memory (22-24 GB) Check: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do? language=en_USandcmd=displayKCandexternalId=2032906 Or Resource Pool Metrics: https://pubs.vmware.com/.../GUID-6F436275-169F-4DE5-B393-3B771623C0F8.htm.
Question 30:
What command line utility can be used to upgrade an ESXi host?
A. esxcli
B. esxupdate
C. vihostupdate
D. esxcfg
Correct Answer: A
ESXi Command-line interface - esxcli
Using the vSphere Command Line Interface (CLI), you can upgrade ESXi 5.x hosts to version 6.0.
For more information about upgrading ESXi 5.x hosts using esxcli commands, see the Upgrading Hosts by
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