An end user complains that his VMware Horizon virtual desktop sessions disconnect frequently. This only happens when using a PCoIP session. Connecting via Microsoft RDP does not produce the same results.
Which two settings should be reviewed when troubleshooting these issues? (Choose two.)
A. Verify that the Microsoft Windows power policies for display and sleep is set to Never.
B. Verify that TCP 4172 port is allowed on the firewall.
C. Verify that the virtual machine is a member of a domain.
D. Verify that the session timeout values are set at a reasonable value.
When reviewing the VMware Horizon event database, an administrator notices the following error shortly after deploying a new desktop pool:
What are two probable causes for this error? (Choose two.)
A. TCP port 4001 and TCP port 8009 are being blocked by firewall rules.
B. Lookup failure on the virtual machine for the DNS name of the View Connection Server.
C. Customization is disabled for this pool.
D. TCP port 4172 and TCP port 32111 are being blocked by firewall rules.
During instant clone desktop pool creation, the following error message is displayed:
What can be done to correct this issue?
A. Rebalance the instant clone pool.
B. Disable and then enable provisioning.
C. Change the number of desktops deployed within the instant clone pool.
D. Recompose the instant clone pool.
Which two VMware Mirage components can be deployed to an endpoint? (Choose two.)
A. App Layer
B. Driver Library Profile
C. Base Layer
D. Reference CVD
Which statement is true about upgrading VMware Horizon?
A. The View Connection Server should be upgraded before upgrading the other Horizon servers.
B. Even during an upgrade, Horizon supports View Composer provisioning and maintenance operations.
C. View Composer should be upgraded before upgrading View Connection Server and the other View servers.
D. After upgrading a View Connection Serve instance to the latest version, if needed, and administrator can downgrade that instance to an earlier version.
In VMware Identity Manager (vIDM), an administrator is able to select from a set of reports on the vIDM environment. Which three reports are available to the administrator? (Choose three.)
A. System Information and Health
B. App Popularity
C. Recent Activity
D. Resource Entitlements
E. Resource Usage
Which two guest virtual machine components provide the best performance in a View virtual desktop? (Choose two.)
A. BusLogic
C. vmxnet3
D. e1000
Which three are valid types of resources that can be integrated with VMware Identity Manager? (Choose three.)
A. Horizon 7 resources
B. Citrix-published resources
C. Horizon Flex resources
D. Web Applications
E. Microsoft Azure resources
What information must the Administrator enter when installing the App Volumes 2.x agent?
A. The App Volumes Manager FQDN/IP address and administrator account information.
B. The App Volumes Manager IP address and user account information.
C. The App Volumes Manager FQDN and SQL DSN.
D. The App Volumes Manager FQDN/IP address and port number.
Which two View graphics technologies are hardware accelerated? (Choose two.)
A. 3dfx
D. Soft 3D
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