Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :SAS Base Programming for SAS 9
  • Certification
    :SAS Institute Certifications
  • Vendor
    :SAS Institute
  • Total Questions
    :270 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Feb 27, 2025

SAS Institute SAS Institute Certifications A00-211 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    The following SAS program is submitted:



    do while (Prod LE 7);

    Prod + 1;



    What is the value of the variable Prod in the output data set?

    A. 7

    B. 8

    C. 6

    D. .(missing numeric)

  • Question 2:

    The following SAS program is submitted:

    Data WORK.COMPRESS; ID = `1968 05-10 567'; NewID = compress (ID, "-"); run;

    What will the value of NewID be in the WORK.COMPRESS data set?

    A. 1968 05-10 567

    B. 19680510567

    C. 196805-10567

    D. 1968 0510 567

  • Question 3:

    Given the raw data file `DEPENDENTS.TXT':

    The following SAS program is submitted:

    What will be the value of _ERROR_ in the Program Data Vector for each iteration of the DATA step?

    A. B. C. D.

  • Question 4:

    Given the data set WORK.DEPARTMENTS:

    The following SAS program is submitted: Which output will be generated?

    A. B. C. D.

  • Question 5:

    Given the SAS data set WORK. PRODUCTS:

    The following SAS program is submitted:

    data WORK. REVENUE (drop=Sales Returns);

    set WORK. PRODUCTS (keep=ProdId Price Sales Returns);

    Revenue-Price* (Sales-Returns);


    How many variables does the WORK.REVENUE data set contain?

    A. 5

    B. 2

    C. 4

    D. 3

  • Question 6:

    The SAS data set WORK.ONE contains a numeric variable named Num and a character variable named Char:

    The following SAS program is submitted:

    proc print data=WORK.ONE; where Num=contains (1); run;

    Which output is generated?

    A. B. C.

    D. No output is generated

  • Question 7:

    When SAS encounters a data when reading from a raw data file, which action will occur?

    A. SAS will write an ERROR message to the SAS log and suspend execution.

    B. SAS will write a WARNING message to the SAS log and suspend execution.

    C. SAS will write a NOTE to the SAS log and continue execution.

    D. SAS will print NOTES to the SAS log until the limit that is set by ERRORS = option is reached, then execution will stop.

  • Question 8:

    A SAS programmer assigns a library reference to an existing Excel workbook named exceldata.xlsx. Using a DATA step, the programmer attempts to create a worksheet named outdata in this Excel workbook. However, the Excel workbook already contains a worksheet named outdata.

    What will happen?

    A. A second copy of the workbook named exceldata(2).xlsx. will be created with the new worksheet outdata.

    B. A second worksheet outdata(2) will be added to the existing exceldata.xlsx workbook.

    C. The program will overwrite the outdata worksheet in the exceldata.xlsx workbook.

    D. The program will produce an error message indicating that the exceldata.xlsx workbook already exists.

  • Question 9:

    The Excel workbook REGIONS.XLSX contains the following four worksheets:

    EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH The following program is submitted:

    libname MYXLS XLSX `c:\ data\ regions.xlsx';

    Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays the NORTH worksheet?

    A. proc print data=MYXLS.`NORTH'e; run;

    B. proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH.XLSX; run;

    C. proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH; run;

    D. proc print data=MYXLS.`NORTH$'n; run;

  • Question 10:

    Given the following data set WORK.TOYS:

    The following SAS program s submitted:

    data WORK.GROUPS;

    set WORK.TOYS;

    if Product="Cards" then Group_Desc="Indoors";

    else if Product in ("Drum", "Recorder") then Group_Desc="Instruments";

    else if Product="Ball" then Group_Desc="Outdoors";


    proc print data=WORK.GROUPS noobs;


    Which output is produced?


    B. C. D.

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