Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Enterprise Content Management
  • Certification
    :EMC Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :278 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 03, 2025

EMC EMC Certification E10-110 Questions & Answers

  • Question 241:

    How are the attributes that are used in the Webtop Smart Navigation feature configured?

    A. By each user, on the Advanced Search page.

    B. On the repository, by the administrator, and cannot be changed by the user.

    C. The attributes used are automatically computed and cannot be changed by the user.

    D. By each user, in User Preferences.

  • Question 242:

    Which action does the Content Server perform when a user right-clicks an object and selects Edit?

    A. It checks out the document.

    B. It adds a new version to the object.

    C. It adds a new rendition to the object.

    D. It changes the object location within the repository.

  • Question 243:

    What is required for a user to initiate editing of a document in D2 that is stored in the repository?

    A. The document must be the current version.

    B. The document must not have any renditions.

    C. The document must not be checked out.

    D. The document cannot be part of a virtual document.

  • Question 244:

    Which statement is true regarding renditions?

    A. Renditions can be added automatically using Media Transformation Services (MTS).

    B. Each version of a document can have only one rendition in each file format.

    C. Renditions are copied to the new version when versioning a document.

    D. Renditions of a document may be edited by any user with SYSADMIN privilege in the repository and WRITE permission on the document.

  • Question 245:

    Where in Webtop can the default application for viewing objects be set?

    A. Preferences

    B. Tools menu

    C. Properties

    D. Advanced Search

  • Question 246:

    What does the Copy/Paste function in Webtop accomplish?

    A. creates a link to the object in the repository

    B. creates a new, unrelated object in the repository

    C. copies content to be pasted into other documents

    D. moves the object to another repository location

  • Question 247:

    When renditions are managed along with the document object's primary rendition, which statement is true?

    A. Renditions can be of any format but multiple renditions with the same format cannot exist.

    B. Renditions can be of any format but multiple renditions with the same format cannot exist within the same version.

    C. Renditions can be of any format.

    D. Renditions can be of any format that is not the same format as the primary rendition.

  • Question 248:

    Which statement is true about the ability to drag and drop objects from within Webtop to the user's local desktop?

    A. The feature works when multiple files are selected.

    B. The feature works only when the browser's security level is set to Medium.

    C. The feature is enabled for all users by default.

    D. The feature is only available through the clipboard.

  • Question 249:

    What can be subscribed to in the repository?

    A. A permission set

    B. An object type

    C. A group

    D. A folder

  • Question 250:

    A client application applies the "In Review" version label to a document object.

    What is the expected behavior the next time a user performs a checkin on that document?

    A. The "In Review" version label can be applied to the new version of the document and the previous version.

    B. The "In Review" version label can be applied to the new version of the document and is removed from the previous version.

    C. The "In Review" version label cannot be applied to the new version of the document and remains with the previous version.

    D. The "In Review" version label can be applied to the new version of the document, while the previous version with the same label will be deleted by the Content Server.

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