Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Data Domain Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :217 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 04, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-385 Questions & Answers

  • Question 131:

    A customer wants to use the 10 GigE interfaces in their EMC Data Domain system for link failover.

    How many interfaces can be added to the bonding group?

    A. 2

    B. 3

    C. 4

    D. 6

  • Question 132:

    In an EMC Data Domain environment, which path location is the default directory for deduplicated data?

    A. /data/col1/backup

    B. /ddvar

    C. /data

    D. /data/col1

  • Question 133:

    A customer reports that their EMC Data Domain system is running out of space. They manually removed many fast copies from their system. However, this has not increased available space on the system.

    What else must be done to regain space used by fast copies?

    A. Run file system cleaning to reclaim space

    B. Remove the MTrees that contain the fast copies

    C. Expire the fast copies when they are removed

    D. Expire and remove the snapshots that were used to create the fast copies

  • Question 134:

    An EMC Data Domain customer has an environment with 10 branch offices whose backup data is replicated to their primary location. For disaster recovery purposes, the primary location is replicated to an offsite location.

    Which replication topology does this represent?

    A. Cascaded

    B. Cascaded One-to-Many

    C. Many-to-One

    D. Star

  • Question 135:

    On an EMC Data Domain system, when does the "throttle" setting reduce resource allocation to the file system cleaning process?

    A. When other operations run during file system cleaning

    B. Whenever file system cleaning runs

    C. Whenever any non-cleaning operation runs

    D. Only when replication runs during file system cleaning

  • Question 136:

    An EMC Data Domain administrator needs to replicate the entire /data/col1 area from source to destination and be considered a true form of disaster recovery.

    Which replication method should be used?

    A. Collection

    B. MTree

    C. Directory

    D. Managed Replication

  • Question 137:

    An EMC Data Domain customer is looking for a way to charge each company department for storage utilization on their Data Domain systems. How can this be implemented in Data Domain?

    A. Create an MTree for each department with soft and hard quotas

    B. Create a restricted data zone for each department

    C. Configure an administrative file system for each department

    D. Add a controller for each department to each Data Domain system

  • Question 138:

    An EMC Data Domain customer wants to perform bi-directional replication. Which two forms of replication would support this function?

    A. MTree and Directory

    B. Collection and MTree

    C. Directory and Collection

    D. MTree and Cascaded

  • Question 139:

    When using Intel cards, how many 10 GbE interfaces can be used in a Link Failover Bonding Group on an EMC Data Domain system?

    A. 2

    B. 3

    C. 4

    D. 5

  • Question 140:

    A customer needs the ability to prevent their retained data from being modified or deleted for a defined period of time. In addition to protecting the data, regulatory requirements demand a higher level of security ensuring the integrity of the data.

    Which EMC Data Domain feature provides this capability?

    A. DD Retention Lock Compliance Edition

    B. DD Retention Lock Governance Edition

    C. DD Extended Retention

    D. DD Encryption Lock

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