What is a characteristic of EMC Data Domain variable segment size deduplication?
A. Segmentation is based on bytes not files
B. Entire data stream moves to make room for the new segment
C. A file is stored and duplicate versions are pointed to the original
D. Variable segment size is not supported on a Data Domain system
What is a benefit of EMC Data Domain Boost?
A. Improves deduplication over VTL
B. Eliminates the need for replication between two Data Domain systems
C. Improves performance with advanced load balancing and failover
D. Does not require a software license
A company is replicating two specific directories between two EMC Data Domain systems using a 4 Mb/s WAN connection.
What can be done on the Data Domain systems to maximize replication performance?
A. Enable low bandwidth optimization
B. Implement collection replication
C. Add more replication contexts
D. Increase WAN bandwidth
Which EMC Data Domain feature requires a software license?
A. Link Aggregation
B. Virtual Tape Library
C. VLAN Tagging
D. Snapshots
Which EMC Data Domain system feature requires a license?
A. Encryption
B. Snapshots
C. Fastcopy
D. Cleaning
What is a valid use for link aggregation on an EMC Data Domain system?
A. Utilize multiple network links for enhanced throughput
B. Share network traffic between 1 Gb and 10 Gb links
C. Overcome CPU limitations of backup servers
D. Automatically restart failed backups if a network link is lost
What is a characteristic of EMC Data Domain pool replication?
A. Replicates the virtual tapes
B. Replicates only data that matches the criteria of the configured pool
C. Replicates the virtual library configuration and tapes
D. Determines retention time of the replicated virtual tapes
What is a characteristic of an EMC Data Domain Encryption software option?
A. If the passphrase is lost, a new one can be obtained from technical support
B. Encryption occurs in the backup server before it is sent to the Data Domain system
C. After encryption is enabled, the file system cannot be locked
D. Data written before encryption is enabled is not automatically encrypted.
Which characteristic accurately describes EMC Data Domain Encryption software?
A. Supports both 128-bit and 256-bit AES algorithms
B. Utilizes multiple encryption keys for separate data sets
C. Supports granular encryption of specific data sets
D. Utilizes self-encrypting SATA drives
On an EMC Data Domain system, what is the role of file system cleaning?
A. Remove unreferenced segments from physical storage
B. Delete data from VTL cartridges that have been marked as expired
C. Remove all traces of a file to resolve classified message incidents
D. Eliminate older snapshots if the file system exceeds 90% utilization
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