Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Data Domain Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :217 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 04, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-385 Questions & Answers

  • Question 81:

    What is indicated by a flashing green SAS state LED on an EMC Data Domain ES20 SAS controller?

    A. Connection problem

    B. Connection established

    C. RAID reconstruction in progress

    D. Connection in process

  • Question 82:

    As illustrated in the exhibit,

    which cable connects one EMC Data Domain ES20 expansion shelf to another ES20 expansion shelf?

    A. A

    B. B

    C. C

    D. D

  • Question 83:

    An organization currently writes backups to an EMC Data Domain system and then creates encrypted copies of their backups on tapes. These tapes are then shipped to a third-party offsite vault. They are now planning to deploy a second Data Domain system to a secure data center at their corporate headquarters as a replication target to replace the use of the offsite tapes. The two sites are connected through the Internet.

    Where should encryption be applied on the Data Domain systems to ensure a similar level of data security as achieved by their current process?

    A. Encrypt the replication context

    B. Encrypt the data at rest

    C. Encrypt the data at rest and the replication context

    D. Encryption is not required

  • Question 84:

    An organization currently writes backups to an EMC Data Domain system and then creates encrypted copies of their backups on tapes. These tapes are then shipped to a third-party offsite vault. They are now planning to deploy a second Data Domain system in a hosted disaster recovery site as a replication target to replace the use of the offsite tapes. The two sites are connected through an encrypted WAN link.

    Where should encryption be applied on the Data Domain systems to ensure a similar level of data security as achieved by their current process?

    A. Encrypt the replication context

    B. Encrypt the data at rest

    C. Encrypt both the data at rest and the replication context

    D. None. The WAN link between the sites is already encrypted.

  • Question 85:

    A customer has two EMC Data Domain systems deployed with a collection replication configuration. Based on best practices, what should be configured if the customer has less than 6 Mb/s throughput between the installation sites?

    A. Low bandwidth optimization

    B. Gz compression

    C. Initial replication seeding

    D. Bi-directional replication

  • Question 86:

    Which LAN configuration allows backups and replication to run simultaneously without potentially impacting backup performance on an EMC Data Domain system?

    A. Separate the traffic by using two separate Ethernet NICs

    B. Separate the traffic by using two separate VLANs on a NIC

    C. Reduce the traffic by using VLAN tagging on a NIC

    D. Reduce the traffic by using a larger MTU size

  • Question 87:

    A customer is currently using an EMC Data Domain system with VTL configured over Fibre Channel. They have a requirement to archive to tape. Which process is used to transport data to tape?

    A. Use the backup software to move backup data to tape

    B. Use the VTL interface to eject tapes to physical tapes

    C. Use the tape export function on the Data Domain system

    D. Use the Enterprise Manager on the Data Domain system

  • Question 88:

    A customer is currently using an EMC Data Domain system with NFS configured over 10 Gb Ethernet. They have a requirement to archive to tape.

    Which process is used to transport data to tape?

    A. Use the VTL interface to eject tapes to physical tapes

    B. Use the tape export function on the Data Domain system

    C. Use the backup software to move backup data to tape

    D. Use the Enterprise Manager on the Data Domain system

  • Question 89:

    Where is data that is written to an EMC Data Domain Archiver system initially stored?

    A. Active Tier

    B. Active Volume

    C. Archive Volume

    D. Archive Tier

  • Question 90:

    A company is backing up database, e-mail, and file system data types in their data center to a Data Domain system using a single backup server. The backup system administrator creates separate subdirectories for each of the three data types under the default /backup share.

    What does this allow the administrator to do?

    A. Improve file system cleaning performance

    B. Improve the performance of a 100 GB database backup

    C. Set up a single backup device in the software

    D. Analyze the compression of each data type

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