You receive a call from a user who cannot login to a repository. The user sees the message "Authentication failed."What could cause this?
A. The repository does not appear in the user's registry settings.
B. The user is not in the repository.
C. The docbroker is not running.
D. The repository is not running.
A user changed her Documentum user name because of a name change. You need to keep all the references in the content repository correct after the change. How do you change the user name from the old to the new?
A. use Documentum Administrator to delete the old user name and create a new user name
B. use Documentum Administrator to reassign the old user name to the new user name
C. use Documentum Administrator to inactivate the old user name and then create a new user name
D. change the user name on the operating system and the content repository will automatically inherit the new user name
You have many users to add to a content repository. How can you create multiple users in batch mode?
A. create a text file with the user values in LDAP Interchange Format and use DocumentumAdministrator to import the file
B. create dynamic groups for the users in Documentum Administrator
C. use drag-and-drop to copy a group of current users to a new group and let the values be inherited
D. create a text file with the user values separated by commas and use Documentum Administrator to import the file
Which query will use the Index Server to locate content files containing the word "product"?
A. select r_object_id from dm_document search document contains 'product'
B. select r_object_id from dm_document where object_name like '%product%' enable(FTDQL)
C. select r_object_id, object_name from dm_document where any keywords like '%product%'
D. select PRODUCT_ID from dmr_content search document contains 'product'
Which statement is true about Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Index Server?
A. OCR is a separate Index Server plug-in downloadable from Documentum and not part of the default Index Server installation.
B. The OCR process occurs within the DocProcessor as it reads DFTXML created by the Index Agent.
C. There is no OCR process within the Index Server.
D. The OCR process occurs when the Index Agent creates the DFTXML.
Which Index Server deployment will configure one Index Server connecting to multiple repositories?
A. multi-node deployment
B. single-node deployment
C. high availability deployment
D. consolidated deployment
What is the purpose of the keys and in the file of a Branch Office Caching Services (BOCS) Server configured for asynchronous write?
A. contains the path to the standard contains the path to parked content
B. contains the path to parked contains the path to the standard cache
C. contains the path to parked contains the path to the central filestore
D. contains the path to the standard contains the path to the central filestore
In a distributed configuration environment, you are asked to configure content pre-caching to reduce the amount of time it takes for remote users to access frequently-used content. Which of these must be installed and correctly configured in order for content pre-caching to work?
A. Site Caching Services (SCS)
B. Content Intelligence Services (CIS)
C. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Services
D. Documentum Messaging Server (DMS)
Your system operates with a single centralized site with users at several remote locations. The network provides minimal hops between routers, quick round trip response times, and high data capacity. However, users report poor application performance, and you have narrowed possible root causes to the network. Spam e-mail on the network is affecting performance of all enterprise applications. What network metric indicates the actual network capacity in this case?
A. latency
B. bandwidth
C. throughput
D. protocol overhead
Assume that the Content Server, Application Server, and Database are adequately resourced with CPU and memory. Which factor has the most detrimental effect on the user experience when using Webtop to browse and search for documents in the repository?
A. Low bandwidth between the Application Server and the client
B. High latency between the Application Server and the client
C. High latency between the Content Server and the Application Server
D. Low memory on the client
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