Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Content Management System Administration
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :169 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 07, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-465 Questions & Answers

  • Question 61:

    With which DQL hint will the first N rows of a query be returned quickly?





  • Question 62:

    Where will a DQL Pass Through Hint be checked?

    A. client interface

    B. application server

    C. Content Server

    D. database server

  • Question 63:

    What is the right approach of DQL query tuning when a user complains about performance problems?

    A. 1. trace operation with the Content Server installation owner account 2. locate SQL statement in session logfile 3. get the query plan for this SQL statement using database tools 4. tune the query and re-test the operation

    B. 1. trace operation with the user or a user equivalent account 2. locate SQL statement in session logfile

    3. get the query plan for this SQL statement using database tools 4. tune the query and re-test the operation

    C. 1. trace operation with the user account 2. locate SQL statement in agentexec logfile 3. get the query plan for this SQL statement using database tools 4. tune the query and re test the operation

    D. 1. trace operation with the repository owner account 2. locate SQL statement in agentexec logfile3. get the query plan for this SQL statement using database tools 4. tune the query and re-test the operation

  • Question 64:

    How do you trace SQL statements at the Content Server startup?

    A. trace,c,10,,SQL_TRACE

    B. alter session set sql_trace = true

    C. -osqltrace

    D. execsql,c,alter session set sql_tace=true

  • Question 65:

    Your client does not like the time format in the trace file for Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC). He wants to use another time format. How would you configure time format for tracing?

    A. dfc.properties

    B. log4j.properties

    C. server.ini

    D. dfcfull.properties

  • Question 66:

    How is Cache Hit Ratio defined?

    A. the percentage of time a resource was found in the shared memory of the database machine

    B. the percentage of time a resource was found on the disk where the content files are stored

    C. the percentage of time a resource was found on the disk where the database files are stored

    D. the percentage of time a resource was found in the shared memory of the Content server machine

  • Question 67:

    At minimum, which columns in the database are used to join a subtype with its dm_sysobject supertype?

    A. object_name for the _s tables, r_object_id and r_version_label for the _r tables

    B. authors for the _s tables, r_object_id and i_position_id for the _r tables

    C. r_object_id for the _s tables, r_object_id and i_position_id for the _r tables

    D. r_object_id for the _s tables, r_object_id and keywords for the _r tables

  • Question 68:

    Automatic tasks in all workflow instances are taking too long to be completed, overall CPU consumption is

    low, and the method_server_enabled value is set to False.

    How can application performance be improved?

    A. use the method server as an execution agent wherever possible

    B. increase the number of method_server_threads in the server.ini configuration file

    C. increase the number of wf_agent_worker_threads in the server config object

    D. add a new Content Server installation to add a second method server

  • Question 69:

    Your project team has recently added two new CPUs to your Index Server machine. What can be done to utilize the new CPUs to increase index throughput?

    A. partition the Index Server machine

    B. add document processors to the Index Server

    C. change the JVM startup parameters on the Index Server

    D. increase Index Server timeouts

  • Question 70:

    An application has excellent response time for metadata searches but poor performance during metadata update operations. What factor has the largest performance impact on update operations?

    A. size of content file

    B. object replication in a distributed architecture

    C. content replication in a distributed architecture

    D. the number of events being audited

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