Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Symmetrix Solutions Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators
  • Certification
    :EMC Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :197 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 09, 2025

EMC EMC Certification E20-517 Questions & Answers

  • Question 191:

    An external disk (eDisk) configured on a Symmetrix displays "Degraded" service state when you display detailed information about the disk using SYMCLI.

    What state would you expect to see reported under the "DA hyper status" ?

    A. Ready

    B. Not Ready

    C. Failed

    D. Normal

  • Question 192:

    What will happen if one or more source (R1) devices in an SRDF/Synchronous consistency group cannot propagate data to their corresponding target (R2) devices?

    A. Data propagation from all R1 devices in the consistency group to the R2 targets will be suspended

    B. Data propagation from the specific R1 devices to their corresponding R2 targets will be suspended

    C. SRDF/S replication will be suspended and a consistent data cleanup will be performed on the R2 targets

    D. All RDF device pairs in the consistency group will be set to Not Ready

  • Question 193:

    A customer is planning to migrate data belonging to two applications (A and B) from an older array to a new Symmetrix VMAX. Both migrations will run in parallel. However, it is necessary to transfer data from application A (session A) as fast as possible. The data from application B (session B) can be transferred at a slower rate.

    Which settings should be used to run the two sessions?

    A. The pace of session A should be set to 0. The pace for session B should be set to 9.

    B. The pace for session A should be set to 9. The pace for session B should be set to 0.

    C. Session A should be assigned to a Fibre Channel director with a ceiling setting of 100. Session B should be assigned to a different director with a ceiling value of 10.

    D. Session A should be assigned to a Fibre Channel director with a ceiling setting of 10. Session B should be assigned to a different director with a ceiling value of 100.

  • Question 194:

    What are valid device types of concurrent SRDF?

    A. R11 R22 R21

    B. R11 R12 R22

    C. R12 R21 R22

    D. R11 R12 R21

  • Question 195:

    An application running on a virtually provisioned Symmetrix VMAX is bound to a thin pool P1 comprising 15K RPM Fibre channel drives assigned to a VP tier T1. The application is not performance sensitive. New SATA drives are added to the VMAX. A thin pool P2 is created on the SATA drives and assigned to VP Tier T2.

    How can the thin device allocations be completely moved from pool P1 to pool P2 and the thin devices bound to pool P2 without loss of application data?

    A. Use virtual LUN Migration VP to move the thin devices from P1 to P2

    B. Rebind the thin devices to pool P2

    C. Implement FAST VP with a suitable policy to automatically relocate the storage allocations to pool P2

    D. Unbind the thin devices from P1. Bind the thin devices to P2

  • Question 196:

    A pair of Symmetrix VMAX arrays have been configured for SRDF/Synchronous replication.

    What is the result if one or more source (R1) devices in an SRDF/Synchronous consistency group cannot propagate data to their corresponding target (R2) devices?

    A. RDF daemon suspends the consistency group, thereby stopping data propagation from all R1 devices

    B. Target (R2) devices will be Read/Write Enabled at the R2 site

    C. PowerPath suspends data propagation to the R1 devices in the consistency group

    D. RDF daemon suspends the data propagation from the affected R1 devices while maintaining consistency among the remaining devices

  • Question 197:

    A data center has three Symmetrix DMX systems with Enginuity 5773 and five Symmetrix VMAX storage arrays running Enginuity 5875. All the arrays are connected to the same Windows host with SE 7.5. You are adding another two Symmetrix VMAX arrays and want to conduct storage operations on the new arrays and ignore the rest.

    What action should you take?

    A. Create symavoid file in the folder "..\EMC\SYMAPI\config"

    B. Create symavoid file in the folder "/var/symapi/config/"

    C. Create symignore file in the folder "..\EMC\SYMAPI\config"

    D. Create symignore file in the folder "/var/symapi/config/"

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