Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :VNX Solutions Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators
  • Certification
    :EMC Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :203 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 09, 2025

EMC EMC Certification E20-547 Questions & Answers

  • Question 81:

    If a source LUN is trespassed, what happens to an unfractured clone LUN?

    A. The peer SP acquires both the clone LUN and the fracture logs.

    B. The peer SP acquires only the clone LUN.

    C. The peer SP acquires only the fracture logs.

    D. Neither the clone LUN nor the fracture log will be acquired by the peer SP.

  • Question 82:

    What does the acronym "CHAP" refer to?

    A. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

    B. Challenge Handshake Authorization Protocol

    C. CLARiiON Handshake Authentication

    D. Consistent Host Application Protocol

  • Question 83:

    You are exporting a file system from a VNX Unified system at the subdirectory level. What is a key consideration?

    A. It is a best practice to configure group and user permissions for the subdirectory.

    B. The file system must be exported again if the user and group permissions are modified.

    C. When an export is deleted, subdirectories are automatically destroyed.

    D. The lost+found and etc directories become visible to the client.

  • Question 84:

    What is an accurate description of VMware Aware Storage API (VASA)?

    A. An API for an array to provide its storage capabilities into vCenter.

    B. A vendor neutral storage API to offload VMware operations to the array.

    C. A vCenter integration feature to simplify administration of VNX arrays.

    D. A vSphere Client feature that automatically mounts VMFS and RDM volumes.

  • Question 85:

    Where can the Secondary Usermapper run?

    A. On physical Data Movers only

    B. On virtual Data Movers only

    C. On physical or virtual Data Movers

    D. On standby Data Movers

  • Question 86:

    You are asked to create the maximum number of writeable snapshots from a production file system per day, using equivalent intervals. How many snapshots can be created?

    A. 16 -- one every 90 min

    B. 24 -- one every 60 min

    C. 48 -- one every 30 min

    D. 96 -- one every 15 min

  • Question 87:

    Counting from left to right, which octect identifies the SP and port number in the WWPN 50:06:01:62:47:20:32:88?

    A. 4

    B. 2

    C. 3

    D. 5

  • Question 88:

    You are trying to create a virtual device on a VNX Data Mover in Unisphere under Settings > Network > Settings For File > Devices > Create.

    Why is the physical device not displayed?

    A. The device is already used.

    B. You do not have permission to create devices.

    C. The physical device is faulted.

    D. There is no network cable plugged into the physical device.

  • Question 89:

    Where does the \.filefilter directory reside?

    A. On the root share of the Data Mover

    B. On the top level of the data file system

    C. On the VNX Event Enabler server

    D. On the client

  • Question 90:

    In a VNX series array, how does FAST manage data in a heterogeneous storage pool?

    A. It relocates more active data to faster drives and less active data to slower drives.

    B. It relocates more active data from tier 1 storage without users noticing the difference.

    C. It acts as an application accelerator and relocates LUNs based on performance.

    D. It relocates LUNs from one tier to another to improve performance.

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