An administrator needs to use a Data Domain with DDBoost Option in an EMC Networker environment.
Which license(s) must be added on the EMC NetWorker Server?
A. Data Domain Device Type Enabler and Data Domain Capacity Enabler
B. Data Domain Disk Backup Option and Storage Node
C. Data Domain BOOST and Data Domain VTL
D. Virtual Tape Library
You create an EMC NetWorker advanced file type device. You then notice that the corresponding read-only device is missing. What is a possible cause?
A. Device is not labeled.
B. Device path is invalid.
C. Disk Backup Option Enabler is missing.
D. No backups have been performed.
What is a characteristic of the EMC NetWorker Auto Media Management feature?
A. Automatically labels non-EMC NetWorker tapes as needed
B. Automatically unmounts idle volumes from tape drives
C. Manages tape volume entries on the media database
D. Manages the lifecycle of all save sets and clones
Which method(s) can you use to display a list of unlabeled tape volumes in EMC NetWorker?
A. EMC NetWorker Administration Devices window only
B. mminfo and EMC NetWorker Administration Devices view
C. EMC NetWorker Administration Media view only
D. mminfo and EMC NetWorker Administration Media window only
Which EMC NetWorker process manages the media database?
A. nsrmmdbd
B. nsrmmgd
C. nsrmmd
D. nsrd
What command option can be used to test connectivity and simulate the backup on an EMC NetWorker client without backing up the data?
A. save -n
B. save -p
C. save -k
D. save -i
If a Level 5 backup is performed for an EMC NetWorker client, at what level is its Client File Index backed up?
A. 5
B. Incremental
C. Full
D. 9
If an incremental backup is performed for an EMC NetWorker client, at which level is its Client File Index backed up?
A. 9
B. 1
C. Full
D. Incremental
What is the EMC NetWorker nsraddadmin command used for?
A. Adding administrators to EMC NetWorker
B. Adding new EMC NetWorker clients
C. Allowing EMC NetWorker Servers to back up specific clients
D. Adding new EMC NetWorker Storage Nodes
An EMC NetWorker administrator wants to prevent tapes from staying mounted after backups complete.
Which parameter must be set?
A. Idle device timeout
B. Poll interval
C. Unload sleep
D. Eject time
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