Red Hat Red Hat Certifications EX200 Questions & Answers
Question 71:
In the system, mounted the iso image /root/examine.iso to/mnt/iso directory. And enable automatically mount (permanent mount) after restart system.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
mkdir -p /mnt/iso /etc/fstab: /root/examine.iso /mnt/iso iso9660 loop 0 0 mount -a mount | grep examine
Question 72:
Create a volume group, and set 16M as a extends. And divided a volume group containing 50 extends on volume group lv, make it as ext4 file system, and mounted automatically under /mnt/data.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
# pvcreate /dev/sda7 /dev/sda8 # vgcreate -s 16M vg1 /dev/sda7 /dev/sda8 # lvcreate -l 50 -n lvm02 # mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg1/lvm02 # blkid /dev/vg1/lv1 # vim /etc/fstab # mkdir -p /mnt/data UUID=xxxxxxxx /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 0 # vim /etc/fstab # mount -a # mount (Verify)
Question 73:
Create a 2G swap partition which take effect automatically at boot-start, and it should not affect the original swap partition.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
# fdisk /dev/sda p (check Partition table) n (create new partition: press e to create extended partition, press p to create the main partition, and the extended partition is further divided into logical partitions) Enter +2G t l W partx -a /dev/sda partprobe mkswap /dev/sda8 Copy UUID swapon -a vim /etc/fstab UUID=XXXXX swap swap defaults 0 0 (swapon -s)
Question 74:
Make on /archive directory that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
chmod 770 /archive
Verify using : ls -ld /archive Preview should be like: drwxrwx--- 2 root sysuser 4096 Mar 16 18:08 /archive To change the permission on directory we use the chmod command. According to the question that only the owner user (root) and group member (sysuser) can fully access the directory so: chmod 770 /archive
Question 75:
Configure a user account.
Create a user iaruid is 3400. Password is redhat
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
useradd -u 3400 iar passwd iar
Question 76:
Locate all the files owned by ira and copy them to the / root/findresults directory.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
# find / -user ira > /root/findresults (if /root/findfiles is a file) # mkdir -p /root/findresults # find / -user ira -exec cp -a {} /root/findresults\; [ if /root/findfiles is a directory] ls /root/findresults
Question 77:
Create a backup
Create a backup file named /root/backup.tar.bz2, contains the content of /usr/local, tar must use bzip2 to compress.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
cd /usr/local tar –jcvf /root/backup.tar.bz2
mkdir /test tar –jxvf /root/backup.tar.bz2 –C /test// Decompression to check the content is the same as the /usr/loca after If the questions require to use gzip to compress. change –j to –z.
Question 78:
Install the Kernel Upgrade.
Install suitable kernel update from:
Following requirements must be met:
Updated kernel used as the default kernel of system start-up.
The original kernel is still valid and can be guided when system starts up.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
Using the browser open the URL in the question, download kernel file to root or home directory. uname –r// check the current kernel version rpm –ivh kernel-*.rpm vi /boot/grub.conf// check Some questions are: Install and upgrade the kernel as required. To ensure that grub2 is the default item for startup. Yum repo : OR uname -r // check kernel Yum-config-manager --add-repo=“ errata” Yum clean all Yum list kernel// install directly Yum -y install kernel// stuck with it, do not pipe! Please do not pipe! Default enable new kernel grub2-editenv list// check Modify grub2-set-default “kernel full name” Grub2-mkconfig –o/boot/grub2/grub.cfg// Refresh
Question 79:
Add a swap partition.
Adding an extra 500M swap partition to your system, this swap partition should mount automatically when the system starts up. Don't remove and modify the existing swap partitions on your system.
Correct Answer: Check the anser in explanation.
fdisk -cu /dev/vda// in the way of expanding the partition, don't make main partition partx –a /dev/vda mkswap /dev/vdax swapon /dev/vdax swapon –s vi /etc/fstab /dev/vdaxswapswapdefaults0 0 mount -a
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