Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Certified Internal Auditor - Part 4, Business Management Skills
  • Certification
    :IIA Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :535 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 26, 2025

IIA IIA Certifications IIA-CIA-PART4 Questions & Answers

  • Question 11:

    A firm's capacity expansion decision should be based on the understanding that:

    A. Overcapacity in a profitable industry is a short-term problem.

    B. Under capacity in a profitable industry is a long-term problem.

    C. A key forecasting problem is behavior of competitors.

    D. Prices and cash flows must be estimated to predict market shares and industry capacity.

  • Question 12:

    Which of the following is not a technological factor that may lead to overbuilding?

    A. Long lead times for adding capacity.

    B. Changes in production technology.

    C. The presence of economies of scale.

    D. High exit barriers.

  • Question 13:

    An information flow factor that may lead to industry overcapacity is:

    A. The need to give assurance to large customers.

    B. Stable industry structure.

    C. Presence of tax incentives.

    D. Untrustworthy market signaling.

  • Question 14:

    The competitive factor that may lead to industry overcapacity is

    A. A favorable interest rate charged by suppliers of capital.

    B. A short lead time for capacity expansion.

    C. The existence of first mover advantages.

    D. Integration of competitors.

  • Question 15:

    A competitive factor that may lead to overbuilding in an industry is:

    A. The need of large customers to know that capacity exists to meet their long-term requirements.

    B. The lack of a credible market leader.

    C. The advantage held by the capacity leader.

    D. The existence of high entry barriers.

  • Question 16:

    A technological factor that may lead to overbuilding in an industry is:

    A. The need to add capacity in large increments.

    B. The lack of a credible market leader.

    C. Changes in industry structure.

    D. Inflated future expectations.

  • Question 17:

    Many factors cause firms to overbuild, resulting in industry overcapacity. The structural factor that may lead to overbuilding is:

    A. A reduction in supplier prices.

    B. A shallow learning curve.

    C. An absence of exit barriers.

    D. The presence of a strong market leader.

  • Question 18:

    A firm is performing an analysis of a capacity expansion decision. The simplest element of the analysis is

    A. Choosing the expansion method.

    B. Determining the expansion plans of rival firms.

    C. Calculating the net present value.

    D. Estimating total long-term demand.

  • Question 19:

    When demand uncertainty is low, firms tend to adopt a strategy of preemptive expansion. The conditions for successful preemption expansion include which of the following?

    A. The firm should avoid market signals that alert competitors to the firm's plans.

    B. The expansion should be small relative to the market to minimize risk.

    C. Economies of scale should be large relative to demand.

    D. The business should be strategically vital to competitors.

  • Question 20:

    What is the key strategic issue when a firm is considering capacity expansion?

    A. Forecasting long-term demand.

    B. Analyzing the behavior of competitors.

    C. Identifying options.

    D. Avoiding industry overcapacity.

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