Which servers are used when you view an Analysis object?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Input File Repository Server
B. Adaptive Job Server
C. Adaptive Processing Server
D. Report Application Server
Which server is required to run replication jobs?
A. Adaptive Job Server
B. Adaptive Processing Server
C. Connection Server
D. Event Server
Which tool do you use to configure the Audit Data Store?
A. Repository Diagnostic Tool
B. Wdeploy
C. Upgrade Management Tool
D. Central Management Console
How can you scale your business intelligence platform vertically? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Organize servers in server groups.
B. Deploy the Web Application Server on its own machine.
C. Install a second job server on the same host.
D. Add more CPUs to the processing server's machines.
You want to save a report to the business intelligence platform from the Crystal Reports designer.
Which servers must be running?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Connection Server
B. Input File Report Server (FRS)
C. Central Management Server (CMS)
D. Crystal Reports Cache Server
A user wants to create Web Intelligence documents. However, the necessary option is not available on the BI launch pad.
What could be the reason?
A. The user does not have rights to use the Universe connection.
B. The object level security in the Universe is not set to the appropriate level.
C. The user does not have rights to use the Universe.
D. The user does not have rights to use the Web Intelligence application.
Which of the following applications can you install using the SAP BusinessObjects Client Tools installation program?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Translation Management Tool
B. Dashboards
C. Crystal Reports
D. Business View Manager
Which server manages authentication?
A. Event Server
B. Explorer Master Server
C. Central Management Server
D. Input File Repository Server
When performing a silent installation, which command line switch do you use to read the installation options from the response file?
A. -l
B. -q
C. -r
D. -w
User A designs a document and exports it to a public folder on the business intelligence platform.
User B moves the document to a different folder.
User C schedules the document. User D opens the latest instance of the document.
At this point, who is the owner of the instance?
A. User D
B. User A
C. User C
D. User B
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