What related list in the formula indicator record is used to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or to their indicator sources?
A. Breakdowns
B. Contributing Indicators
C. Indicator Groups
D. Managed Sources
Correct Answer: B
Formula indicator records now include a 'Contributing indicators' related list. Use this list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.
Which of the following are true statements about configuring pie, donut, and single score visualisations in workspaces?
A. Data labels are shown as only percentages, as values, or as both.
B. Legend percentages are shown along with values.
C. The metric label name is displayed near the metric value.
D. Set gradient, texture, or no colour options for data display.
Correct Answer: ABC
A pie visualisation shows how individual pieces of data relate to the whole using a circle to represent the whole.
A Donut visualization shows how individual pieces of data relate to the whole using a donut shape to represent the whole.
Single score visualisations display a single, key business value or current aggregate indicator score. You can set a score to update in real-time. The following enhancements are made to pie, donut, and single score visualisations in the
Quebec release:
The metric label name is displayed near the metric value.
Legend percentages are shown along with values.
Data labels are shown as only percentages, as values, or as both. Gradient, texture, or no colour are not valid colour options for data display. You can set 'default', 'colour palette' and 'fixed element colour' for pie and donut visualisations, and 'default' and 'single colour' for single score visualisations.
Which of the following statements are true about creating User Experience filters? (Choose three.)
A. Only users with the admin role can create User Experience filters.
B. For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters.
C. The filter you create in the Now Experience Ul Builder is available in all workspaces.
D. A single filter can be used across all visualisations in a workspace.
Correct Answer: ABD
You can create a single filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace. Creating User Experience filters requires admin access. The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it. For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters. Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow- platform/page/administer/workspace/task/create-user-exp-filters.html
Question 4:
Which system property enables an administrator to allow specified user roles to select indicators as data sources from the Data Visualisation Configuration panel?
A. glide.knowman.search.apply_role_based_security
B. par_vis_config.data_source.can_select_indicator
C. com.snc.pa.dc.max_row_count_indicator_source
D. glide.source_control.checksum_required
Correct Answer: B
par_vis_config.data_source.can_select_indicator property specifies roles (comma- separated) which can select indicators as data sources from the Data Visualisation configuration panel. If empty, all users can select the indicator sources that they have access to. Type: string
Default value: empty
Location: System Property [sys_properties] table com.snc.pa.dc.max_row_count_indicator_source property sets the maximum number of rows allowed to be fetched from an Indicator Source. glide.source_control.checksum_required property
allows you to enable optional checksum validations and sanitisations.
glide.knowman.search.apply_role_based_security property honours read access to knowledge bases or articles specified for roles if set to true. If false, it enables specified user criteria to override read access specified for roles.
What data update settings can you enable for a single score visualisation to update the score in real-time?
A. Background refresh interval (minutes)
B. Show score update time
C. Real time update
D. Live refresh date (seconds)
Correct Answer: C
Enabling `Real time update' from the data update settings updates a single score visualisation in real-time.
`Show score update time' shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated. `Background refresh interval (minutes)' shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it. With
`Live refresh rate (seconds)', you can choose the frequency in non-decimal seconds to have a single score reporting widget refresh. If set at '0', the score does not refresh.
What condition do you use on the Elements Filter record for the `Groups' Breakdown Source to get only groups that had an incident assigned to them?
A. By adding 'itil' to the Roles necessary to see the filter
B. By adding 'lncident->Assignment group' to the Related List Conditions
C. By adding 'itil' type to the 'Conditions'
D. By selecting 'Incident [incident]' for the Facts table
Correct Answer: B
When you create an element filter, you can include conditions on a related field in a different table than the breakdown source table. Element filters enable you to limit the displayed breakdown elements on an Analytics Hub or widget using
filter conditions, including personalised visuals. You can select an element filter when viewing breakdowns on an Analytics Hub or configuring a breakdown widget.
For example, you could create an element filter on the Groups breakdown source, which uses the Group [sys_user_group] table. If you added a related list condition on Incident [incident]->Assignment group, you would get only groups that
had an incident assigned to them. If this condition included [[Created][on][Last 6 Months]], you would get groups that were assigned an incident that was created within the last six months.
How are responsible users reminded when a signal remains unresolved?
A. Via Virtual Agent
B. Via Connect Chat
C. By email notification
D. By text message
Correct Answer: C
As a responsible user, you receive email reminders about signals that have not been resolved.
You can configure how frequently you get these reminders and the maximum number of reminders to get for a signal.
Responsible users get email notifications about the following:
New signals
Unresolved signals
Actions to resolve signals
'Anti-signals,' which indicate that a KPI is long-term stable Even responsible users without workspace access get these email notifications. Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now-intelligence/page/use/par-forworkspace/task/configure-signal-notifications.html
Question 8:
Which of the following visualisation types allow you to add multiple data sources of the same type in the UI Builder? (Choose two.)
A. Single Score
B. Time Series
C. Pie and donuts
D. Bars
Correct Answer: BC
You can add multiple data sources of the same type for time series (including Area, Column, Line, Stepline, and Spline) and bar (including Horizontal bar and Vertical bar) visualisations.
What 'related lists' are available on the formula indicator form? (Choose three.)
A. Targets
B. Contributing Indicators
C. Breakdowns
D. Signals
Correct Answer: ABC
Here are the available related lists on the baseline configuration when navigating to the Formula Indicators form: Breakdowns, Contributing Indicators, Time series exclusions, Targets, Thresholds, and Diagnostic Results.
`Signals' is not an out-of-the-box related list on the Formula Indicators form. Use the Contributing indicators related list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the
formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.
Which of the following data update settings for single score visualisations shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated?
A. Show score update time
B. Real time update
C. Background refresh interval (minutes)
D. Follow filters
Correct Answer: A
`Show score update time' shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated. `Follow filters' set for a workspace page. When enabled, the visualisation displays on a workspace with the filters set by the page. Toggle off to disable a
visualisation from accepting any filter input.
`Background refresh interval (minutes)' shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it.
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