Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Advanced Analytics Specialist for Data Scientists
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :66 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 10, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-065 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    In a typical multinomial logistic regression analysis involving six outcomes (class labels) and three input variables, how many model parameters will need to be estimated?

    A. 9

    B. 18

    C. 20

    D. 24

  • Question 2:

    Which Hadoop Files System shell command copies data from a local file system into HDFS?

    A. rm

    B. cp

    C. put

    D. get

  • Question 3:

    What do first-order and second-order Markov processes have in common concerning next word prediction?

    A. Both use WordNet to model the probability of the next word

    B. Both are unsupervised methods

    C. Both provide the foundation to build a trigram language model

    D. Neither makes assumptions about the probability of the next word

  • Question 4:

    What is a characteristic of spark?

    A. Unable to run map -> reduce execution plans

    B. Supports applications written in Python, Java, and Scala

    C. Less efficient processing small files than Hadoop MapReduce

    D. Supports workflows that can return to previous work steps

  • Question 5:

    What best describes the meaning behind the phrase "Six Degrees of Separation'"?

    A. Ability to use about six hops to reach any other node in an extremely large social network

    B. Erdos number of all scholars having written papers with Paul Erdos

    C. Maximum number of edges between nodes in a graph with a diameter of six

    D. Typical distance between nodes that are connected by triadic closure

  • Question 6:

    What are three of the eight visual variables?

    A. Selection, orientation, and mark

    B. Size, separation, and orientation

    C. Position, size, and orientation

    D. Position, texture, and selection

  • Question 7:

    After a client submits a job request to the YARN ResourceManager, what happens next?

    A. The scheduler allocates a container to run an ApplicationMaster

    B. The ResourceManager allocates containers to run map and reduce tasks

    C. The Resource Manager requests load data from the NodeManagers

    D. The ApplicationManager starts an ApplicationMaster

  • Question 8:

    A simul-ation to compare two different sales models yields different results for the same set of input

    variables in different runs.

    What is the likely cause?

    A. bit operating system was used

    B. The same number of trials was used.

    C. A linear congruenlial generator (LCG) was used for pseudo-random number generation.

    D. Different seeds forthe random number generator were used

  • Question 9:

    What is a characteristic of stemming?

    A. Reduces words of variant forms to their base forms based on a set of heuristics

    B. Can be performed by calling the stemming!) function on a lemma in NLTK

    C. Can be performed by calling the stemming() function on a synset in NLTK

    D. Reduces words of variant forms to their base forms based on a dictionary

  • Question 10:

    What are the major components of the YARN architecture?

    A. ResourceManager and NodeManager

    B. Task Tracker and NameNode

    C. HDFS, Tez, and Spark

    D. Avro, ZooKeeper, and HDFS

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