Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Specialist-System Administrator, RecoverPoint Version 2.0
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :66 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 04, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-575 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Refer to the exhibit.

    Based on the Consistency Group status shown in the exhibit, why is the local copy not connected to the production and remote copy?

    A. Test a Copy wizard is in progress

    B. Consistency Group is failing over

    C. Connection to the local copy cluster has failed

    D. Local copy has failed

  • Question 2:

    Which RPA interface is used for management?

    A. eth1

    B. eth0

    C. iSCSI-1

    D. iSCSI-2

  • Question 3:

    A RecoverPoint administrator wants to add volumes from an unlicensed array to a RecoverPoint/EX cluster. Which supported RecoverPoint volume type(s) addresses the administrator's requirement?

    A. Journal and Copy

    B. Repository and Journal

    C. Repository only

    D. Journal only

  • Question 4:

    What is the result of configuring the I/O throttling level to "low"?

    A. Limit the data parallelism and I/O parallelism of all RPAs in a RecoverPoint cluster to a maximum read rate of 10 MB/s

    B. Limit the data parallelism and I/O parallelism on the particular RPA where the setting will permit a maximum read rate of 200 MB/s

    C. Limit the data parallelism and I/O parallelism of all RPAs in a RecoverPoint cluster to a maximum read rate of 200 MB/s

    D. Limit the data parallelism and I/O parallelism on the particular RPA where the setting will permit a maximum read rate of 10 MB/s

  • Question 5:

    A storage administrator has seen high-load events in their RecoverPoint environment. The administrator wants to review the performance data for the past week with RecoverPoint. In addition, the administrator wants the raw data saved to a spreadsheet to review and create graphs of system performance over a period of time.

    Which CLI command should be used?

    A. get-rpa_statistics

    B. export_statistics

    C. balance_load

    D. detect_bottlenecks

  • Question 6:

    What is a possible option to store the "Collect System Information" file using RecoverPoint Unispehre?

    A. FTP server configured on the RPA cluster

    B. External temporary FTP server

    C. Local RPA

    D. Syslog server

  • Question 7:

    An administrator wants to integrate Site Recovery Manager (SRM) with RecoverPoint. Where should the RecoverPoint storage replication adapter be installed?

    A. On the same servers running VCenter and the SRM service

    B. On servers running SRM service only

    C. On servers running VCenter only

    D. On a newly installed server

  • Question 8:

    A RecoverPoint administrator performs a Consistency Group failover to a remote copy. What happens to the point-in-time images stored in the copy Journal after the copy becomes production?

    A. Images are consolidated

    B. Images are deleted

    C. Images are replicated to the new copy Journal

    D. Images are replicated to the new production Journal

  • Question 9:

    A storage administrator is selecting Test a Copy to enable an Image Access for an XtremIO-to-XtremIO Consistency Group. Why is Logged Access the only allowable access mode with this type of replication?

    A. Direct Access is not possible because the copy cannot be mounted on XtremIO

    B. XtremIO cannot process the changes to the Journal required for Virtual Access

    C. XtremIO snapshots are not host accessible when using RecoverPoint

    D. XtremIO uses snapshots which are instantly promoted as the SCSI personality of the copy

  • Question 10:

    After creating a Consistency Group with a local copy, initialization is taking longer than expected. What is a possible reason for this condition?

    A. Limited WAN bandwidth is available to the RPAs

    B. Slow performing storage on the production array

    C. Copy is not attached to the same splitter as production

    D. Size mismatch between the production and the copy volumes

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