Create a playbook called balance.yml as follows:
* The playbook contains a play that runs on hosts in balancers host group and uses
the balancer role.
--> This role configures a service to loadbalance webserver requests between hosts
in the webservers host group.curl
--> When implemented, browsing to hosts in the balancers host group (for example should produce the following output:
Welcome to on 192.168.10.z
--> Reloading the browser should return output from the alternate web server: Welcome to on 192.168.10.a
* The playbook contains a play that runs on hosts in webservers host group and uses
the phphello role.
--> When implemented, browsing to hosts in the webservers host group with the URL /
hello.php should produce the following output:
Hello PHP World from FQDN
--> where FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of the host. For example,
browsing to, should produce the following output:
Hello PHP World from
* Similarly, browsing to, should produce the
following output:
Hello PHP World from
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Rekey an existing Ansible vault as follows:
Download Ansible vault from http:// /secret.yml to /home/
The current vault password is curabete
The new vault password is newvare
The vault remains in an encrypted state with the new password
Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create Logical volumes with lvm.yml in all nodes according to following
Create a new Logical volume named as 'data'
LV should be the member of 'research' Volume Group
LV size should be 1500M
It should be formatted with ext4 file-system.
--> If Volume Group does not exist then it should print the message "VG Not found"
--> If the VG can not accommodate 1500M size then it should print "LV Can not be
created with
following size", then the LV should be created with 800M of size.
--> Do not perform any mounting for this LV.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called web.yml as follows:
The playbook runs on managed nodes in the "dev" host group
Create the directory /webdev with the following requirements: --> membership in the apache group --> regular permissions: owner=r+w+execute, group=r+w+execute, other=r+execute s.p=set group-id
Symbolically link /var/www/html/webdev to /webdev
Create the file /webdev/index.html with a single line of text that reads: “Development” --> it should be available on
Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create user accounts
--> A list of users to be created can be found in the file called user_list.yml
which you should download from and save to /home/admin/ansible/
--> Using the password vault created elsewhere in this exam, create a playbook called
that creates user accounts as follows:
--> Users with a job description of developer should be:
--> created on managed nodes in the "dev" and "test" host groups assigned the
password from the "dev_pass"
variable and these user should be member of supplementary group "devops".
--> Users with a job description of manager should be:
--> created on managed nodes in the "prod" host group assigned the password from
the "mgr_pass" variable
and these user should be member of supplementary group "opsmgr"
--> Passwords should use the "SHA512" hash format. Your playbook should work using
the vault password file
created elsewhere in this exam.
while practising you to create these file hear. But in exam have to download as per
user_list.yml file consist:
name: user1
job: developer
name: user2
job: manager
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Make on /storage directory that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.
Whoever creates the files/directories on /storage group owner should be automatically should be the same group owner of /storage.
Install the Cron Schedule for jeff user to display "Hello" on daily 5:30.
Give Full Permission to owner user and owner group member but no permission to others on /data.
Whoever creates the file on /data make automatically owner group should be the group owner of /data directory.
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