If a valid playbook contains serial: 20 and the ansible-playbook command running that playbook is passed '-f 10' and targets an inventory of 15 servers, what is the maximum number of forks will exist at any one time during play execution?
A. 20
B. 15
C. 5
D. 10
What are the minimum configurations that must be made to install Ansible Tower?
A. You must provide a target host and set some key user passwords.
B. You must generate an SSL certificate for the Ansible Tower web frontend.
C. You must specify a few key user passwords.
D. PROJECTS_ROOT must be configured.
Consider the following file. authors:
editing: josh
authoring: sam
How many lists are defined in the provided file?
A. 3
B. 0
C. 2
D. 1
What Ansible variable allows access to internal Ansible data?
A. Ansible Facts
B. Magic Variables
C. Dictionary Variables
D. Environment Variables
Where are custom facts defined on a host?
A. /etc/ansible/facts.d/
B. /etc/ansible/
C. /etc/ansible/facts.d/*.fact
D. /etc/ansible/facts.db
Consider the provided dictionary variable definition:
drives: name: hd1 type: physical size: 1G
Which of the following are valid ways to retrieve data from this dictionary? (Choose all that apply.)
A. {{ drives[`type'] }}
B. {{ drives-name }}
C. {{ drives }}
D. {{ drives.size }}
How are facts collected? (Choose all that apply.)
A. During playbook execution.
B. Ansible agents push facts to the control node.
C. The Ansible control node periodically polls the hosts in the inventory.
D. The setup module.
What formats may variables specified on the command line use when not using a file with the -e flag? (Choose all that apply.)
C. Ansible dictionary
By default, how many times can a role be applied during a play?
A. Once, no matter the parameters provided.
B. As many times as necessary, no matter the parameters.
C. Once, presuming it is only applied with a single set of parameters.
D. As many times as necessary, presuming the `single_run' attribute is set to false.
What is the defaults directory used for within a role?
A. The defaults directory is for defining default values for variables if no other value is provided.
B. The defaults directory is where you define which plays of a role will be used by default.
C. The defaults directory is for defining variable values that override other variables used in a playbook using the role.
D. The defaults directory stores configurations that override ansible.cfg.
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