Create a playbook /home/bob/ansible/timesync.yml that runs on hosts in the webservers host group and does the following:
Uses thetimesync RHEL system role. Sets the ntp server to Sets the timezone to UTC
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file called mysecret.yml on the control host using ansible vault in home/bob/ansible. Set the password to 'notasafepass' and inside the file create avariable called dev_pass with the value of devops. Save the file. Then go back in the file and change dev_pass value to devops123. Then change the vault password of mysecret.yml to verysafepass
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file calledrequirements.ymlin/home/sandy/ansible/rolesa file calledrole.yml in /home/sandy/ansible/.Thehaproxy-roleshould be used on theproxyhost. And when you curlhttp://node3.example.comit should display "Welcome" and when you curl again "Welcome" Thephp-roleshould be used on theprod host.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called regulartasks.yml which has the system that append the date to /root/datefile every day at noon. Name is job 'datejob'
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a role called sample-apache in/home/sandy/ansible/rolesthat enables and starts httpd, enables and starts the firewall and allows the webserver service. Create a template calledindex.html.j2which creates and serves a message from/
var/www/html/index.html Whenever the content of the file changes, restart the webserver service.
Welcome to [FQDN] on [IP]
Replace the FQDN with the fully qualified domain name and IP with the ip address of the node using ansible facts. Lastly, create a playbook in/home/sandy/ansible/called apache.ymland use the role to serve the index file on webserver hosts.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Install and configure ansible
Userbobhas been created on your control node. Give him the appropriate permissions on the control node.Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node.
Create a configuration file /home/bob/ansible/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:
The roles path should include /home/bob/ansible/roles, as well as any other path that maybe required for the course of the sample exam.
The inventory file path is /home/bob/ansible/inventory.
Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.
Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the bob user.
Create an inventory file for the following five nodes:
Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node1 is a member of groupdev. nodc2 is a member of group test, nodc3 is a member of groupproxy,nodc4 and node 5 are members of groupprod.Also,prodis a member of group
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a role called sample-apache and store it in /home/bob/ansible/roles. The role should
satisfy the following requirements:
In the role, install and enable httpd. Also enable the firewall to allow http. Also run the template
index.html.j2 and make sure this runs Create a template index.html.j2that displays "Welcome to the server HOSTNAME"
In a play called apache.yml in /home/bob/ansible/ run the sample-apache role.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called issue.yml in /home/sandy/ansible which changes the file /etc/issue on all managed nodes: If host is a member of (lev then write "Development" If host is a member oftestthen write "Test" If host is a member ofprodthen write "Production"
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Using the Simulation Program, perform the following tasks:
Ad-Hoc Ansible Commands (Number Two) Task:
1.Use the ad-hoc command to make sure php is installed.
Use the ad-hoc command to make sure that php is installed and is the latest version.
Use the ad-hoc command to make sure that httpd is installed.
Use the ad-hoc command to remove httpd fromthe servers.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbookthatchanges the default target onallnodes tomulti-usertarqet. Do this in playbook file called target.yml in /home/sandy/ansible
A. See the for complete Solution below.
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