What is the main difference between Argo vs. Flux CD?
A. Argo is pull-based, and Flux is push-based
B. No difference; both are pull-based
C. Argo is push-based, and Flux is pull-based
D. No difference; both are push-based
Which of the following is not the required field to describe Kubernetes objects?
A. metadata
B. apiVersion
C. Kind
D. Container
E. spec
Stateful set requires which service for the network identity of pods?
A. Ingress
B. Load Balancer Service
C. Headless Service
What is horizontal scaling?
A. Creating a Deployment
B. Adding resources to existing apps and servers
C. Moving workloads from one server to another
D. Adding additional replicas of apps and servers
The 4C's of Cloud Native security
A. Chroot, Compute, Cluster and Container
B. Cluster, Cloud, Compute, and Containers
C. Code, Containers, Compute, and Cloud
D. Cloud, Clusters, Containers, and Code
What can you use to add new resource types to your cluster?
A. start container
B. CustomResourceDefinitions
C. init container
D. Flux
What is the name of the Kubernetes agent that runs on each worker nodes?
A. kubelet
B. systemd
C. kube-proxy
D. pod
What is the smallest possible unit in Kubernetes to run a container?
A. pod
B. docker
C. service
D. container
Which kubernetes object do deployments use behind the scenes when they need to scale pods?
A. Horizontal pod autoscaler
B. ReplicaSets
C. kubectl
D. Replication controller
How to create deployment name app-dep, image=nginx, and replicas 5 using imperative command?
A. kubectl create app-dep deployment --image=nginx --replicas=5
B. kubectl create deployment app-dep --image=nginx --replicas=5
C. kubectl create app-dep deployment --replicas=5 --image=nginx
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