After starting an LCM update from Prism Element, on which dashboard can the progress be monitored?
A. Tasks
B. Alerts
C. Health
D. Analysis
Correct Answer: A
Question 32:
Which LCM feature simplifies upgrades on clusters without Internet access?
A. One-Click Upgrade
C. Direct Upload
Correct Answer: C
Direct Upload is a LCM feature that simplifies upgrades on clusters without Internet access. It allows users to upload the desired version of the software to the cluster using a USB drive or other portable storage device, and then install it without the need to access the Internet. Reference:
Question 33:
Which option is available for an administrator to upload a remote disk file to Image Configuration?
Correct Answer: A
HTTP is the only option available for an administrator to upload a remote disk file to Image Configuration. FTP, SCP, and SFTP are not supported by Nutanix. References: (page 24)
Question 34:
Which Prism Central feature can map images to target clusters using categories?
A. Image Replication Policies
B. Image Placement Policies
C. Protection Domain Policies
D. Storage Policies
Correct Answer: B
In Prism Central, Image Placement Policies can be used to map images to target clusters using categories. An Image Placement Policy is a set of rules that determine where an image should be placed on the Nutanix cluster. These rules are based on categories, such as the image's OS type, the target cluster's hardware type, and other factors. By creating image placement policies, you can ensure that images are placed on the appropriate clusters, and that they are compatible with the hardware and software requirements of those clusters. For example, you could create a placement policy that specifies that all Windows images should be placed on a specific cluster, and that all Linux images should be placed on another cluster. You can also set image replication policies on image placement policies, to ensure that images are replicated to multiple clusters for disaster recovery purposes.
Question 35:
How long does a Nutanix cluster's Recycle Bin retain deleted vDisk and configuration data files?
A. 6 Hours
B. 12 Hours
C. 24 Hours
D. 48 Hours
Correct Answer: C
The Recycle Bin is a feature that allows administrators to recover data that has been accidentally deleted from the cluster, by storing deleted files in a temporary holding area for a certain period of time. During this time, the deleted files can be restored to their original location, effectively undoing the deletion. The default retention period for the Recycle Bin is 24 hours, which means that any files that are deleted from the cluster will be retained in the Recycle Bin for a period of 24 hours before they are permanently deleted. This retention period can be customized to suit the needs of a particular environment, but the default value is 24 hours.
Question 36:
An administrator is upgrading a current three-node Nutanix cluster with new HCI nodes. Currently, the environment is based on a Single two-unit chassis hosted in one cabinet.
By simply changing the system form factor, what new level of resiliency may this customer achieve?
A. Rack awareness
B. Block awareness
C. Metro Availability
D. Better replication factor
Correct Answer: B
Question 37:
An administrator needs to expand a Nutanix cluster that is tagging the network traffic at the CVM and AHV level. However, the administrator doesn't remember the configured VLAN ID.
Which command can the administrator run to find the correct VLAN ID from the CVM?
A. ifconfig
B. manage-ovs
C. acli
D. ovs-vscl
Correct Answer: B
The manage-ovs command can be used to find the correct VLAN ID from the CVM, as it allows the administrator to view and configure network settings for Open vSwitch (OVS). The ifconfig command can be used to view network interfaces
and IP addresses, but not VLAN IDs. The acli command can be used to manage Acropolis services and objects, but not network settings. The ovs-vsctl command can be used to view and configure OVS settings, but it is not available on the
Which IP address can be used to directly access Prism Element?
A. Foundation VM IP address
B. IP address of any CVM in the cluster
C. IP address of any Prism Central VM
D. AHV host br0 IP address
Correct Answer: B
Prism Element is the management interface for Nutanix clusters and it can be accessed through the IP address of any CVM (Controller Virtual Machine) in the cluster. The CVM is a virtual machine that runs on each Nutanix node and is responsible for managing the storage and compute resources of the node. Each CVM has a unique IP address, and any of these IP addresses can be used to directly access Prism Element. Accessing Prism Element through the IP address of a CVM allows the administrator to manage the cluster, including configuring storage, creating and managing virtual machines, and monitoring the health of the cluster. It's important to note that Prism Central is a separate application and it doesn't have the same functions as Prism Element, it's mainly used for multi-cluster management. You can find more information on this topic in the Nutanix Administrator Guide, which is available on the Nutanix support website
Question 39:
Which Windows technology does AHV support to prevent authentication theft?
A. Endpoint Manager
B. Azure AD Multi-Factor
C. Windwos Defender Credential Guard
D. Active Directory federation Services
Correct Answer: D
Question 40:
Which feature enables Image Placement Policies to be mapped to target clusters?
B. Labels
D. Categories
Correct Answer: D
Categories enable Image Placement Policies to be mapped to target clusters by defining a set of key-value pairs that can be applied to clusters, hosts, or VMs. Categories can be used to control where images are replicated and stored.
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