You have a job that you want to cancel. It is a streaming pipeline, and you want to ensure that any data that is in-flight is processed and written to the output. Which of the following commands can you use on the Dataflow monitoring console to stop the pipeline job?
A. Cancel
B. Drain
C. Stop
D. Finish
Which of these statements about BigQuery caching is true?
A. By default, a query's results are not cached.
B. BigQuery caches query results for 48 hours.
C. Query results are cached even if you specify a destination table.
D. There is no charge for a query that retrieves its results from cache.
Which of the following is not true about Dataflow pipelines?
A. Pipelines are a set of operations
B. Pipelines represent a data processing job
C. Pipelines represent a directed graph of steps
D. Pipelines can share data between instances
Which Java SDK class can you use to run your Dataflow programs locally?
A. LocalRunner
B. DirectPipelineRunner
C. MachineRunner
D. LocalPipelineRunner
Which Cloud Dataflow / Beam feature should you use to aggregate data in an unbounded data source every hour based on the time when the data entered the pipeline?
A. An hourly watermark
B. An event time trigger
C. The with Allowed Lateness method
D. A processing time trigger
Which is the preferred method to use to avoid hotspotting in time series data in Bigtable?
A. Field promotion
B. Randomization
C. Salting
D. Hashing
Dataproc clusters contain many configuration files. To update these files, you will need to use the --properties option. The format for the option is: file_prefix:property=_____.
A. details
B. value
C. null
D. id
You are planning to use Google's Dataflow SDK to analyze customer data such as displayed below. Your project requirement is to extract only the customer name from the data source and then write to an output PCollection.
Tom,555 X street
Tim,553 Y street
Sam, 111 Z street
Which operation is best suited for the above data processing requirement?
A. ParDo
B. Sink API
C. Source API
D. Data extraction
What is the recommended action to do in order to switch between SSD and HDD storage for your Google Cloud Bigtable instance?
A. create a third instance and sync the data from the two storage types via batch jobs
B. export the data from the existing instance and import the data into a new instance
C. run parallel instances where one is HDD and the other is SDD
D. the selection is final and you must resume using the same storage type
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Bigtable access roles?
A. Using IAM roles, you cannot give a user access to only one table in a project, rather than all tables in a project.
B. To give a user access to only one table in a project, grant the user the Bigtable Editor role for that table.
C. You can configure access control only at the project level.
D. To give a user access to only one table in a project, you must configure access through your application.
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