Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :DevOps Tools Engineer - Exam 701 - version 1.0
  • Certification
    :LPI Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :120 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 28, 2025

Lpi LPI Certifications 701-100 Questions & Answers

  • Question 101:

    After a node's configuration is changed on a Puppet master, how can the node be instructed to apply the new configuration inmediately if the node runs a Puppet agent as a background service?

    A. Run puppet refresh on the node.

    B. Run puppet agent -t on the node.

    C. Restart the puppet master process.

    D. Run puppet master --distribute on the master.

    E. Run puppet agent --node all --refresh on the master.

  • Question 102:

    Which of the following expressions are valid Ansible varible names? (Choose TWO correct answers)

    A. example_var

    B. examplevar

    C. example-var

    D. example.var

    E. example var

  • Question 103:

    Which variable is used in the Ansible inventory file to specify the location of an SSH private key file?

    A. ansible_ssh_private_key_file

    B. ansible_ssh_key_file

    C. ansible_private_key

    D. ansible_private_key_file

    E. ansible_ssh_login_credentials

  • Question 104:

    Which of the following functions are supported by the ansible copy module? (Choose THREE correct answers)

    A. Append texto r data to an existing file.

    B. Decompress a file on the target system.

    C. Set permissions of a file or directory on the target system.

    D. Create a backup of the original target file.

    E. Set the owner of a file or directory on the target system.

  • Question 105:

    What Chef Solo?

    A. A special Linux distribution which automatically reverts any change to the system not applied using Chef.

    B. A package manger that retrieves software installed using Chef in the generic Chef Menu Format, CMF, instead of using the target.

    C. A simplified configuration format for Chef which provides only a subset of the original Chef configuration options.

    D. An extension to Chef to install operating systems on bare metal servers of vitual machines.

    E. A tool to use Chef to manage a local system instead os using a distributed chef infrastructure.

  • Question 106:

    Which file contains the global Ansible configuration?

    A. /etc/ansible.conf

    B. /etc/ansible/master.conf

    C. /etc/ansible.d/main.conf

    D. /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

    E. /etc/ansible/all.vars

  • Question 107:

    Which criteria can packet filtering firewalls use to permit or suppress traffic? (Choose TWO correct answers)

    A. IP addresses

    B. TCP and UDP ports

    C. HTTP Cookies

    D. Common Names in X.509 certificates.

    E. Object IDs in REST URLs

  • Question 108:

    Consider the following log message:

    Jun 30 00:36:49 headnode clustermanager{12353}: new node

    This log message is processed by the following Logstash filter:

    Grok {

    Match => { "message", "%{SYSLOGBASE} new node %{IPORHOST:node}" } }

    Which of the variables below are contained in the resulting event object? (Choose TWO correct answers)

    A. node

    B. grok



    E. message

  • Question 109:

    What has to be done to configure Filebeat to submit log information to Logstash? (Choose TWO correct answers)

    A. Replace the input section of the Logstash configuration by a filebeat section.

    B. Ad dan output.logstash section to the Filebeat configuration and specify the Logstash server in that section's hosts attribute.

    C. Install Filebeat on the Logstash server and allow the Linux user running the Filebeat daemon to login to the remote host via SSH without using a password.

    D. Add a beats section to the input section of the Logstash configuration.

    E. Add the IP address of the Filebeat node to the option accept option in the section acl of the Logstash input configuration.

  • Question 110:

    What happens if a grok filter in Logstash processes a log message which dose not match the pattern in the filter's match property?

    A. The message is passed to the unparseable output and no other filters are applied to it.

    B. The message is truncated to those parts which have been matched by the filters.

    C. The message is dropped and no other filters are applied to it.

    D. The message is kept unchanged and no other filters are applied to it.

    E. The message is flagged with the _grokparsefailure tag.

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