Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :VNX Solutions Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers
  • Certification
    :EMC Specialist
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :412 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC EMC Specialist E20-390 Questions & Answers

  • Question 41:

    In a VNX environment, which CIFS servers are candidates for interface stealing?

    A. Hosted on the same physical Data Mover

    B. Hosted on the standby Data Mover

    C. Hosted on different physical Data Movers

    D. Hosted on different virtual Data Movers

  • Question 42:

    A storage administrator is using VDMs on a new VNX Unified system. The administrator received a request to create a new VDM with a new file system from an internal business unit with their own UNIX domain.

    How can VDMs support this requirement?

    A. Each VDM can be part of a single UNIX domain

    B. Each VDM can be part of multiple UNIX domains

    C. Only one domain namespace can be used per Data Mover

    D. Only one domain namespace for all VDMs can be used

  • Question 43:

    A system administrator has previously used NFS exports on an EMC Celerra. However, the administrator expressed concerns that the NFS shares are exposed to hosts on other networks. The administrator has exchanged the company's legacy Celerra for a new VNX for File and is using VDMs for NFS.

    What is the accessibility of the NFS exports in this new configuration?

    A. Accessible only for hosts on the same network as the NFS server

    B. Accessible on all interfaces on the blade

    C. Accessible on all VDMs

    D. Accessible as long as they are on the same subnet as the VDMs

  • Question 44:

    A VNX file system has auto_extend enabled. If the file system size is greater than the extend_size value, what will happen when the file system reaches its high water mark (HWM)?

    A. File system is extended by 5% of its size

    B. File system is extended until it is 10% over the HWM

    C. File system is extended by 3% of its size

    D. File system is extended by its size

  • Question 45:

    A certain file-based application requires VNX file systems that do not share disk volumes with other applications. What must be done to meet this requirement?

    A. Disable slicing when creating the file system

    B. Create a thin-enabled file system

    C. Use classic LUNs with AVM instead of pool LUNs

    D. Manually auto extend the file system

  • Question 46:

    A storage administrator is creating a file system on a VNX system through AVM. What is the maximum number of NL-SAS-based dvols that can be striped together in a storage pool?

    A. 2

    B. 4

    C. 5

    D. 8

  • Question 47:

    Which types of storage can be provisioned through the Unified Storage Management plug-in for VMware?

    A. NFS, VMFS, and RDM

    B. VMFS, RDM, and iSCSI

    C. VMFS and CIFS

    D. NFS and CIFS

  • Question 48:

    A VNX storage administrator wants to use the access options in a NFS export to ensure that a certain network can mount the NFS export. If the network is, how should the entry be set?





  • Question 49:

    A VNX storage administrator adds some hosts with the read-only option to an existing NFS share. After a while, some users report that they are unable to write to this NFS export anymore.

    What is the most likely cause?

    A. Required clients have not been added to the read/write option

    B. Users are connected to the Linux hosts specified in the read-only settings

    C. Entire subnet has been set to read-only

    D. Wrong IP address has been set in the read-only option

  • Question 50:

    On a VNX Data Mover, what determines a network route based on the smallest hop count between the source and the destination?

    A. RIP

    B. NAT

    C. TCP

    D. RPC

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