Which statement is true about the includeContent(boolean includeContent) method of the IDfXMLQuery interface?
A. If set to true, content will be included within an XML element.
B. The content will always be returned within a
C. The query does not have to include r_object_id if the content is to be included.
D. If set to true, the resulting XML file will contain a link to the location of the content in therepository.
Which statement about IDfXMLQuery is true?
A. The execute method of the IDfXMLQuery returns a DOM object.
B. By default, the element name for the root of the XML output is
C. By default, content will be included (the result of the execute method willincludecontent).
D. If an error occurs during processing, the default tag name for including error messages is
Which statement is true about XML validation through DFC?
A. DFC uses a modified version of the Xerces XML parser, which it includes in dctm.jar.
B. If no XML application has explicitly been specified, DFC will not be able to determine theXML application automatically.
C. If the DTD or schema are in the repository, the execute()method makes a temporary copyin the Temp cabinet and performs the validation there.
D. The execute() method of an IDfValidationOperation object runs the parser in validationmode to determine whether or not documents are well formed and conform to the DTD orschema.
An XML transformation is performed in the following code: Assuming the above code executes successfully, what will happen to the transformed HTML document?
A. It is added as a rendition to the xml document.
B. It is created on the local file system.
C. It replaces the xmlDoc's content.
D. It is imported as a new document.
Which method of the IDfXMLTransformOperation interface is used to pass an XSL stylesheet's object id into its variable DMS_STYLESHEET_OBJECT_ID?
A. setSession()
B. setTransformation()
C. setXSLTParameter()
D. setNodeId()
The IDfXMLDocType interface provides access to _____.
A. XML documents in the repository, including content and metadata
B. XML document information, such as default XML application, file size, content type, etc.
C. XML document transformation information, such as XSL stylesheet and transformationoutput
D. XML document information, such as DTD system identifier, schema location and rootelement name
Which statement is true about the destinationObject parameter in the method IDfXMLTransformNode.setDestination(Object destinationObject)?
A. If the value is set to null, the transformed document will be added as a new rendition tothe input document.
B. If the value is set to an IDfImportOperation, the transformed document will be importedas a new rendition.
C. It can be one of the following types: IDfFile, OutputStream, Writer, IDfImportOperation,or IDfSysObject.
D. If the value is set to an IDfSysObject, the transformed document will be added as a newversion to that IDfSysObject.
The setDestinationDirectory(String dirPath) method of the IDfValidationOperation is used to set the _____.
A. destination directory for the validated XML file
B. location where the XML application can be found
C. temporary directory that will be used to validate the XML file
D. location where the corresponding DTD or schema used to manage the validation, can befound
Which interface conforms to the Web Service Framework (WSF) restrictions on arguments and return types?
A. IDfTime
B. IDfPersistentObject
C. IDfList
D. IDfSession
The IDfValidationOperation uses a temporary directory to perform XML validation. Given the following code: Which syntax can be used on line 10 to set the temporary directory?
A. operation.setDestinationDirectory("C:/Temp");
B. operation.setDestinationDirectory(new DfFolder("/Temp"));
C. operation.setDestinationDirectory(sess.getObjectByPath("/Temp"));
D. operation.setDestinationDirectory(sess.getIdByQualification("dm_folder where folder('/Temp')"));
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