Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 211:

    What are the minimum required components to extend custom object type behavior?

    A. TBO and SBO

    B. TBO and DFC

    C. SBO and DFC

    D. SBO and Web Services Framework

  • Question 212:

    A TBO has been created for a custom object type called my_loan_application. The TBO relies on a dependant SBO to calculate credit scores. The TBO is only invoked by the Webtop application. Where does the SBO execute?

    A. Global registry machine

    B. Content Server JVM

    C. Application Server JVM

    D. the client browser's JVM

  • Question 213:

    How should you deploy a TBO to the respository?

    A. Using IDfClient.newModule() only

    B. Using Documentum Application Installer only

    C. Using both Documentum Application Installer and IDfClient.newModule()

    D. Using Documentum Application Installer, IDfClient.newModule() andIDfClient.newService()

  • Question 214:

    Given the following architecture: To disable full-text search for end users of Webtop, on which computer should you update the dfc.properties file?

    A. server1 only

    B. app1 only

    C. both server1 and local1

    D. both app1 and local1

  • Question 215:

    A TBO has been created for the custom object type called my_loan_application. If the following statement is executed in a Webtop custom component, where is the TBO executed?

    IDfSysObject loanApp = (IDfSysObject)session.newObject("my_loan_application");

    A. The TBO executes on the client browser's JVM.

    B. The TBO executes on the Global Registry computer.

    C. The TBO executes on the application server JVM.

    D. The TBO execuctes on the Content Server JVM.

  • Question 216:

    Given the following repositories that are projecting to the following Connection Brokers:

    How do you dynamically add host2 as additional Connection Broker, such that Docbase A and Docbase B

    are listed as available repositories?

    A. change "host = host1" to "host = host1, host2" in dmcl.ini

    B. execute IDfDocbrokerClient.addDocbroker("host2",1489);

    C. add the following statements in the dmcl.ini:[DOCBROKER_BACKUP_1] host=host2 port=1489

    D. add the following statements in the dmcl.ini:[DOCBROKER_SECONDARY] host=host2 port=1489

  • Question 217:

    What kind of module is used to create a Documentum Web Service?

    A. Type-based Business Object

    B. Service-based Business Object

    C. Web-based Business Object

    D. Custom Module

  • Question 218:

    What happens when you fail to close open query collections in a DFC application?

    A. Performance for other users will be impaired.

    B. Eventually, no more queries can be executed.

    C. Garbage collection will release appropriate resources.

    D. The session will disconnect.

  • Question 219:

    Where are the credentials located for the BOF's client dynamic delivery mechanism?

    A. dfc.properties

    B. dmcl.ini

    C. bof.properties

    D. dbor.properties

  • Question 220:

    Which SBO method signature is valid for conversion to a web service?

    A. void setKeyword(IDfSysObject obj, int index, String value)

    B. boolean uploadConfiguration(java.io.File myFile)

    C. boolean setKeyword(IDfSysObject obj, int index, String value)

    D. int countDocuments(IDfSession sess, String qualification)

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