Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 81:

    User "docuser" has READ permission in an ACL. Which method from the IDfACL interface must be used to revoke the permission to "docuser"?

    A. revoke("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)

    B. grant("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_NONE, null)

    C. revokePermit("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)

    D. removePermit("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)

  • Question 82:

    You have created a custom administrative application that supports acl administration by non-sysadmin or superusers. You want to implement dynamic groups to model this feature. You create a group object, named "LocalAdmins," set is_dynamic=T, and set is_dynamic_default = F, which treats users as non-members of the group. What should your application do to take advantage of the "LocalAdmins" dynamic group?

    A. do nothing else

    B. execute IDfSession.removeDynamicGroup("LocalAdmins");

    C. execute IDfSession.addDynamicGroup("LocalAdmins");

    D. add all applicable users to "LocalAdmins" upon session creation and remove allapplicable users from "LocalAdmins" upon session release

  • Question 83:

    You have a repository with several million documents. The repository uses public ACLs to assign security for each division in an organization. What is the most efficient way to give read access to USER A for a batch of 100,000 documents while maintaining existing security on individual documents?

    A. execute update dql to add USER A to each document

    B. grant USER A READ permissions using IDfSysObject.grant()

    C. add USER A to r_accessor_name for each acl that is referenced in the batch ofdocuments

    D. create a new acl that gives USER A read permit and assign that acl to the batch ofdocuments

  • Question 84:

    Given an object sysObj with IDfSysObject interface, what is the correct statement to retrieve the long form of the document's format?

    A. sysObj.getContentType();

    B. sysObj.getFormat().getName();

    C. sysObj.getFormat().getDescription();

    D. sysObj.getFormat().getDOSExtension();

  • Question 85:

    What is a purpose of the IDfProperties interface?

    A. manipulating the dmcl.ini file

    B. adding additional parameters to IDfOperation tasks

    C. manipulating configuration files stored in the repository

    D. adding an alternative interface to manipulate a document's properties

  • Question 86:

    IDfId.getTypePart() returns the portion of the ID which represents the object's type. If the object's Id is: 469af3ce80000200 Which digits represent the type of the object?

    A. ce

    B. 46

    C. 8000

    D. 9af3ce

  • Question 87:

    What can be viewed and manipulated using the IDfClientRegistry interface?


    B. list of recently viewed Documentum documents

    C. saved username and password for web applications

    D. application to launch to View/Edit a document of a given format

  • Question 88:

    What is a purpose of the IDfEnumeration interface?

    A. to enable scrollable Enumerations

    B. to enable repository security in Enumerations

    C. to expose java.util.Enumeration to all DFC applications

    D. to provide an enumeration of IDfSysObject objects from the repository

  • Question 89:

    Which function does IDfFile provide in addition to the java.io.File functionality?

    A. compresses the file

    B. gets and sets the URI

    C. gets and sets the icon of the file

    D. gets and sets the Macintosh resource path

  • Question 90:

    You have two IDfTime interfaces, time1 and time2. Which syntax should be used to determine if these two times are on the same date?

    A. time1.equals(time2)

    B. time1.getDay().equals(time2.getDay())

    C. time1.asString("dd").equals(time2.asString("dd"))

    D. time1.asString("yyyy-mm-dd").equals(time2.asString("yyyy-mm-dd"))

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