Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Backup and Recovery Implementation
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :323 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 09, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-593 Questions & Answers

  • Question 271:

    What is the command to start all of the EMC NetWorker processes on a UNIX server?

    A. networker start

    B. ./networker

    C. networker-start

    D. /proc/networker

  • Question 272:

    Your Windows environment consists of several EMC NetWorker servers on the same subnet that are responsible for backing up only specific clients for security reasons. You need to change one backup client's "parent" NetWorker server from NWServer-A to NWServer-B.

    Which file do you need to change in order to ensure only NWServer-B can back up this client?

    A. \nsr\res\servers

    B. \nsr\res\nsrdb\nsrd

    C. \nsr\mm\nsrim.priv

    D. Networkr.cfg

  • Question 273:

    You are installing a new EMC NetWorker server and would like alerts to be sent automatically to EMC Support. What additional component needs to be included as part of this installation?

    A. EMC HomeBase Agent

    B. ConnectEMC

    C. SNMP Alert

    D. EMC NetWorker License Manager

  • Question 274:

    Your customer is running an EMC NetWorker 7.6 server and wants to upgrade their clients running NetWorker 7.4.

    What are two ways to do this remotely from the NetWorker server?

    A. Software Administration Wizard and nsrpush

    B. Copy with Clients and nsrpush

    C. Software Administration Wizard and nsrclient

    D. Copy and nsrpush

  • Question 275:

    You are using NetWorker Management Console (NMC) to manage an EMC NetWorker server. You want to add a second data zone to your environment and monitor this data zone using the existing NMC. How can this be done?

    A. Add the second NetWorker server as a new host under the NMC enterprise hierarchy.

    B. Add the new NetWorker server to the servers file on the NMC host.

    C. Grant the console user role to the administrator of the new server.

    D. Select diagnostic mode in the NMC Setup window.

  • Question 276:

    When connecting to an EMC NetWorker console server running on Solaris, an error message indicates that a supported version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not installed. You verify that the supported JRE version is already installed on the NetWorker console server. However, the error message remains.

    What needs to be done to resolve the problem?

    A. Reinstall the NetWorker Management Console server.

    B. Reinstall the existing JRE version.

    C. Append /gconsole.jnlp to the URL of the console server.

    D. Restart the console server.

  • Question 277:

    Refer to the exhibit.

    A Windows administrator on HostA needs to administer the EMC NetWorker server, ServerX. The administrator will use a web browser to connect to the console server on ServerY and log in to the NetWorker Management Console using the default administrator credentials.

    What needs to be included in the Administrator list of the NetWorker server?

    A. user=system,host=ServerY user=administrator,host=ServerY

    B. user=system,host=ServerY user=administrator,host=HostA

    C. user=system,host=ServerX user=administrator,host=ServerY

    D. user=system,host=ServerX user=administrator,host=HostA

  • Question 278:

    What EMC NetWorker command is used to display a list of labeled volumes in the NetWorker media database?

    A. mminfo

    B. mmlocate

    C. nsrmm

    D. nsrim

  • Question 279:

    A customer has the following EMC NetWorker configuration:

    Two remote storage nodes, Node A and Node B Two virtual tape libraries configured on Node A and Node B, respectively Twelve virtual tape devices with four drives attached to the NetWorker server, Node A and Node B, respectively

    How many nsrlcpd processes are running on the NetWorker server?

    A. 0

    B. 4

    C. 12

    D. 16

  • Question 280:

    EMC NetWorker is using a library controlled by an ACSLS server. Which NetWorker command can be used to discover volumes on the NetWorker server?

    A. nsrjb

    B. jbedit

    C. jbconfig

    D. nsrmm

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