Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Backup and Recovery Implementation
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :323 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 09, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-593 Questions & Answers

  • Question 281:

    In an EMC NetWorker storage node with four stand-alone LTO tape drives, which daemons must be running?

    A. One nsrmmd and four nsrlcpd

    B. Four nsrmmd only

    C. Four nsrmmd and one nsrlcpd

    D. Four nsrlcpd only

  • Question 282:

    A customer is running an EMC NetWorker 7.6 server on a UNIX platform and wants to monitor backup operations from the command line.

    Which utility can be used?

    A. nsrinfo

    B. nsrmmd

    C. nsrjb

    D. nsrwatch

  • Question 283:

    What is the primary function of the EMC NetWorker job daemon?

    A. Coordinates scheduled backups, and manages the resulting information and statistics

    B. Generates requests for volume mounting and unmounting when required

    C. Identifies NetWorker hosts and their file systems

    D. Identifies application modules and assigns the correct job to the backup API

  • Question 284:

    What is a characteristic of EMC NetWorker's Open Tape Format (OTF)?

    A. Allows multiplexed, heterogeneous data to reside on the same media

    B. Controls the number of save streams a client backs up simultaneously

    C. Collects information for pools and index entries to allow data segregation

    D. Identifies the ports used by NetWorker to allow data to be saved through a firewall

  • Question 285:

    You are deleting save sets manually from the EMC NetWorker server using CLI commands. You receive an error that the database update has failed.

    What process should you verify is running on the NetWorker server?

    A. nsrlcpd

    B. nsrmmdbd

    C. nsrmmd

    D. mminfo

  • Question 286:

    What command was used to see the following NDMP device?

    [email protected]:ADIC Scalar i2000 100A|Autochanger (Jukebox), /dev/mc_d6l0 S/N: 02TOK00200 ATNN=ADIC Scalar i2000 02TOK00200 Virtual device [email protected]:IBM ULTRIUM-TD4 7BG2|Tape, /dev/mt_d0l0 S/N: 1310056061 ATNN=IBM ULTRIUM-TD4 1310056061 WWNN=500104F000A11D3F WWPN=500104F000A11D40

    A. inquire

    B. scanner

    C. diskscan

    D. changers

  • Question 287:

    Client A performs backups to Storage Node S where the backup operations are managed by EMC NetWorker Server N. NetWorker Management Console is running on Server Y. Client A's configuration information was lost.

    To which component must the client configuration data be restored?

    A. Storage node

    B. NetWorker Management Console server

    C. Client

    D. NetWorker server

  • Question 288:

    Your task is to develop a backup-to-disk solution for your client. After an initial analysis, you decide to include one EMC Disk Library (EDL) to be used as the primary backup device. The customer has been using a physical library with LTO-3 drives for many years and would like to have the capability to recover from the old tape. The solution must result in the fewest possible changes to the EMC NetWorker server.

    How can you best address these requirements?

    A. Connect the existing library to the back end of the EDL. Create a virtual library and drives that match the physical drive types.

    B. Install the IP replication agent on the backup server that controls the physical library. Copy physical tapes over the network to virtual tapes to the EDL.

    C. Migrate all data from the outdated media to the new media format and archive.

    D. Create a new data zone offsite to be used for recovery purposes only. Connect the physical library to the new zone and make it available to both locations.

  • Question 289:

    An EMC NetWorker administrator configures an advanced file type device, setting the device target sessions to two, and max sessions to four. How is data written to the advanced file type device?

    A. Each save set is written to a separate file.

    B. Each file written by the storage node contains up to four save sets.

    C. Four backup jobs will be multiplexed for every two files written to the device.

    D. Two save sets will be stored in each file.

  • Question 290:

    Your customer needs to back up a Windows file server containing millions of small files to their EMC Disk Library using EMC NetWorker. They have a very limited backup window for this client and need to limit the impact on the server. What is the best way to fulfill the customer's requirements?

    A. Implement SnapImage.

    B. Increase client parallelism.

    C. Enable client-side compression.

    D. Utilize NetWorker's cloning and staging capabilities.

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