Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Symmetrix Installation and Troubleshooting Specialist
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :113 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-616 Questions & Answers

  • Question 101:

    What is the status of the R1 and R2 devices after a SRDF Failback operation is performed?

    A. R1 is Read-Write R2 is Write Disabled

    B. R1 is Write Disabled R2 is Read-Write

    C. R1 is Read-Write R2 is Read-Only

    D. R1 is Read-Only R2 is Read-Write

  • Question 102:

    What is the status of the R1 and R2 devices after a SRDF Split operation is performed?

    A. R1 is Read-Write R2 is Read-Write

    B. R1 is Read-Write R2 is Read-Only

    C. R1 is Write Disabled R2 is Read-Write

    D. R1 is Read-Only R2 is Read-Write

  • Question 103:

    Which set of VMAX interface types support software compression with SRDF?

    A. FC and 10 GigE

    B. FCoE and FC

    C. 10 GigE and FCoE

    D. Ficon and 10 GigE

  • Question 104:

    Which SRDF/A feature prevents cache overflow on either the R1 or R2 devices?

    A. Write Pacing

    B. Transmit Idle

    C. SRDF Compression

    D. Delta Set Extension

  • Question 105:

    Which set of interface types support hardware compression on VMAX 40K?

    A. 10 GigE and FC

    B. FC and FCoE

    C. FCoE and 10 GigE

    D. 1 GigE and FCoE

  • Question 106:

    Which SRDF/A feature offloads from cache to a dedicated device pool?

    A. Delta Set Extension

    B. Write Pacing

    C. Transmit Idle

    D. SRDF Compression

  • Question 107:

    In a cascaded SRDF/EDP configuration, which device type is used as a cache only device?

    A. R21

    B. R22

    C. R11

    D. Standard Clone

  • Question 108:

    A customer using a VMAX 20K containing 2 standard storage bays, each containing 90 drives wants to expand their capacity to 120 drives. What is the least expensive way to expand the existing configuration, but still a good choice for optimal performance in this configuration?

    A. Add four DAEs to each storage bay, each containing 15 drives

    B. Add eight DAEs to the first storage bay, each containing 15 drives

    C. Add two storage bays, one to each loop and each bay containing four DAEs with 15 drives each

    D. Add one storage bay containing eight DAEs with 15 drives each to the first loop

  • Question 109:

    A customer using a VMAX 20K containing 2 high density storage bays, each containing 250 drives wants to expand their capacity with 100 drives.

    What is the least expensive way to expand the existing configuration, but still a good choice for optimal performance in this configuration?

    A. Add two DAEs to each storage bay, each containing 25 drives

    B. Add four DAEs to the first storage bay, each containing 25 drives

    C. Add two storage bays, one to each loop and each bay containing 2 DAEs with 25 drives each

    D. Add one storage bay containing four DAEs with 25 drives each to the first loop

  • Question 110:

    What is the maximum number of drives that can be configured in a Symmetrix VMAX 10K (959)/VMAXe with Standard DAE configuration?

    A. 3200

    B. 2400

    C. 1560

    D. 1080

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