Which Directory Data Source function must be configured to enable end-user spam quarantine?
A. SMTP authentication
B. address resolution
C. recipient validation
D. authentication
What is the integrated encryption action within Symantec Messaging Gateway 10.5?
A. Deliver messages with S/MIME encryption
B. Deliver messages with content encryption
C. Deliver messages using TLS
D. Deliver messages with PGP encryption
What is the default time period that a suspect virus can reside in the Suspect Virus Quarantine?
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 48 hours
Bounce attack prevention is enabled. An incoming non-delivery report (NDR) is received and its signature fails to be verified. What does Symantec Messaging Gateway 10.5 do with the message by default?
A. forwards it to the administrator
B. rejects the message
C. forwards it to suspect spam
D. sends it to Symantec Security Response
What is one effect of deploying a Symantec Messaging Gateway scanner between an Internet email gateway and the internal groupware mail server?
A. Symantec Messaging Gateway delivery queues may backup due to the network latency of an extra hop.
B. Symantec Messaging Gateway scanners might identify the IP address of the internal gateway MTA as a source of spam.
C. Symantec Messaging Gateway scanners will not be able to provide antispam services.
D. Symantec Messaging Gateway scanners will grant the internal gateway MTA a Fastpass.
When configuring DKIM signing, how should the domain key generated from the public RSA key be published?
A. as a text record in the DNS zone for the sending domain
B. in plain text as part of the SMTP outbound greeting
C. as a .txt file on the Internet facing the Symantec Messaging Gateway
D. as a .txt file on the sending domain corporate website
Which two statistics can the administrator view regarding the custom anti-spam rulesets? (Select two.)
A. the "top-submitters" of missed spam or false positive detections
B. the "top submitters" of messages that are not valid and did not generate a custom rule
C. how many emails have been submitted for custom antispam rules
D. the effectiveness of the custom antispam rulesets compared to Symantec's rulesets
E. the top senders of messages detected by custon antispam rulesets
A company uses multiple control centers. What must be done to ensure legitimate NDRs are recognized by Bounce Attack Prevention across all scanners?
A. configure the same seed value on each control center
B. configure the same administrator email address across both control centers
C. configure the same seed value on each scanner
D. configure both control centers with the same internal email hosts
What is the maximum number of rows a report can have?
A. 100 rows
B. 1,000 rows
C. 10,000 rows
D. 100,000 rows
What is the default report data retention period?
A. 7 days
B. 14 days
C. 28 days
D. 90 days
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