Create a file called specs.empty in home/bob/ansible on the local machine as follows:
Create the playbook /home/bob/ansible/specs.yml which copies specs.empty to all remote nodes' path /root/specs.txt. Using the specs.yml playbook then edit specs.txt on the remote machines to reflect the appropriate ansible facts.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called timesvnc.yml in /home/sandy/ansible using rhel system role timesync. Set the time to use currently configured nip with the server Enable burst. Do this on all hosts.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file called in /home/sandy/ansible which will use adhoc commands to set up a new repository. The name of the repo will be 'EPEL' the description 'RHEL8' the baseurl is '' there is no gpgcheck, but you should enable the repo.
You should be able to use an bash script using adhoc commands to enable repos. Depending on your lab setup, you may need to make this repo "state=absent" after you pass this task.
Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file called requirements.yml in /home/sandy/ansible/roles a file called role.yml in /home/sandy/ansible/. The haproxy-role should be used on the proxy host. And when you curl it should display "Welcome to" and when you curl again "Welcome to" The php-role should be used on the prod host.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Install and configure ansible
User bob has been created on your control node. Give him the appropriate permissions on the control node. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node.
Create a configuration file /home/bob/ansible/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:
The roles path should include /home/bob/ansible/roles, as well as any other path that may be required for the course of the sample exam.
The inventory file path is /home/bob/ansible/inventory.
Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.
Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the bob user.
Create an inventory file for the following five nodes:
Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node1 is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, nodc3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
In /home/sandy/ansible/ create a playbook called logvol.yml. In the play create a logical volume called Iv0 and make it of size 1500MiB on volume group vgO If there is not enough space in the volume group print a message "Not enough space for logical volume" and then make a 800MiB Iv0 instead. If the volume group still doesn't exist, create a message "Volume group doesn't exist" Create an xfs filesystem on all Iv0 logical volumes. Don't mount the logical volume.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file called packages.yml in /home/sandy/ansible to install some packages for the following hosts. On dev, prod and webservers install packages httpd, mod_ssl, and mariadb. On dev only install the development tools package. Also, on dev host update all the packages to the latest.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file in /home/sandy/ansible/ called report.yml. Using this playbook, get a file called report.txt (make it look exactly as below). Copy this file over to all remote hosts at /root/report.txt. Then edit the lines in the file to provide the real information of the hosts. If a disk does not exist then write NONE.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called webdev.yml in 'home/sandy/ansible. The playbook will create a directory Avcbdev on dev host. The permission of the directory are 2755 and owner is webdev. Create a symbolic link from /Webdev to /var/www/html/ webdev. Serve a file from Avebdev7index.html which displays the text "Development" Curl to test
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
Create the users in the file usersjist.yml file provided. Do this in a playbook called users.yml located at /home/sandy/ansible. The passwords for these users should be set using the lock.yml file from TASK7. When running the playbook, the lock.yml file should be unlocked with secret.txt file from TASK 7.
All users with the job of 'developer' should be created on the dev hosts, add them to the group devops, their password should be set using the pw_dev variable. Likewise create users with the job of 'manager' on the proxy host and add the users to the group 'managers', their password should be set using the pw_mgr variable.
A. Answer: See the for complete Solution below.
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