Which three ways can a developer filter the list of products when using the getCartsproducts method?
Choose 3 answers
A. Using a value that is contrained witing a product attribute
B. Using a value that is contained within a Product2 field
C. Using a value that will be matched exactly to a value in a Products field
D. Using a context rule that qualifies a set of products
E. Using a product category
In Vlocity Context Rules, where can you set the rule type such as Qualification, Penalty, etc?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Rule Set
B. Rule
C. Context Dimension
D. Context Mapping
Which four of the following would require compatibility rules?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. Apple iPhone requires SIM card
B. MetroE cannot be delivered to Consumer customers
C. VPN Access can only be delivered over high speed internet
D. Only DSL customers can purchase a modem
E. High Def set top box is required for High Def TV packages
Which of the following are features of the Product List in Vlocity Cart? (Choose TWO)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. It is only displayed on the Opportunity tab.
B. It is based on a specific price list.
C. It uses Vlocity Rules to display available and eligible products.
D. Allows hierarchical product structures.
The Cart header shows a running total of purchases made by the customer.
A. True
B. False
In the context of order cancellation, how is a supplemental order created?
A. The same way any other order "s created
B. Similar to any other New Order, but the Order Type f d is :e:'Supplemental" in the picklist
C. Automatically by CPQ when an order s canceled
D. Automatically by OM when an order is canceled
You need to create a bundle of products with child products that are discounted. Where do you go to discount each child product?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A. The price list where the price list entry is located
B. The product structure of the bundle
C. The cart currently open
D. The order for the bundle
In Vlocity Context Rules, a rule set must contain more than one rule.
A. True
B. False
What does a sales catalog define?
A. A catalog of prices
B. A set of products and promotions
C. A catalog of technical and commercial products
D. A set of products that are related through Relies On dependences
How Can you Change the line item's configuration in Vlocity Cart?
A. Delete and re-add the product
B. Click the cart line item Actions menu and select Configure
C. Update the product's attribute in Vlocity Product Console
D. Invoke Field Mapper
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