The Open Group The Open Group Certifications OGB-001 Questions & Answers
Question 1:
In what TOGAF ADM phase is the Information map translated into data models?
A. Phase A
B. Phase E
C. Preliminary Phase
D. Phase C
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: his answer is based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase C:
Information Systems Architectures 2, which states that "The objective of Phase C is to develop Target Information Systems (Data and Application) Architecture descriptions that will enable the enterprise to address the Request for Architecture
Work and stakeholder concerns." In this phase, the Information Map is translated into data models that describe the structure and relationships of the data entities required by the enterprise. The data models are part of the Data Architecture,
which is one of the two components of the Information Systems Architecture. The other options are not correct, as they are not phases where the Information Map is translated into data models.
Question 2:
Which of the following describes how to define a business capability?
A. Identifying and articulating the business problem, enabling the business requirements to be fully documented.
B. Identifying human and computer actors. their roles, and their place in the business.
C. Identifying and documenting a set of statements that outline what the business architecture project must do.
D. Identifying and describing what needs to be done by the business in support of Its overall mission
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: This answer is based on the definition of a business capability as "an ability that a business possesses to achieve a specific outcome" 1. A business capability defines "what" a business does at its core, not "how" or "where" it does it 2. Therefore, to define a business capability, one needs to identify and describe what needs to be done by the business in support of its overall mission, which is the ultimate outcome that the business seeks to achieve. The other options are not correct because they describe different aspects of business analysis or architecture, such as defining the business problem, identifying the actors and roles, or documenting the project scope.
Question 3:
Which of the following best describes the relationship between business models and business architecture?
A. Business Architecture provides a conceptual summary view, whereas business models support in-depth analysis.
B. Business model development is a prerequisite for a Business Architecture development
C. Business models ere useful for impact analysis; however Business Architecture o needed for scenario analysis.
D. Business Architecture articulates the different perspectives and impacts o' the business model
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Business Architecture is a discipline that helps to design, analyze, and optimize the business model of an organization. It provides a holistic and shared understanding of the business strategy, capabilities, processes, information, and stakeholders. According to The Open Group 2,Business Architecture "describes how the enterprise needs to operate to achieve the business goals, and respond to the strategic drivers set out in the Architecture Vision". Business Architecture also helps to assess the alignment and impact of the business model on different aspects of the organization, such as its infrastructure, customers, and finances
Question 4:
Which Mop duringdevelopment of a business scenario ensures that eachiteration is managed as a mini-project?
A. Documenting Step
B. Reviewing Step
C. Gathering Step
D. Planning Step
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: This answer is based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Business Scenarios , which states that "The Planning Step ensures that each iteration is managed as a mini-project. It involves defining the scope of work for each
iteration; identifying the participants; scheduling the activities; allocating resources; defining deliverables; establishing quality criteria; and setting up communication channels." The Planning Step is part of the development process of a
business scenario, which consists of four steps:
Planning, Gathering, Documenting, and Reviewing. The other options are not correct, as they are not steps that ensure that each iteration is managed as a mini-project.
Question 5:
Which of the following is the element of a value stream stage mat describes the end state condition denoting the completion of the value stream stage?
A. Exit criteria
B. Target stale
C. End point
D. Completion stage
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: This answer is based on the definition of exit criteria in the TOGAF Series Guide: Value Streams 2, which states that "Exit criteria are a set of conditions that must be met before proceeding to the next stage in a value stream. They are used to ensure that the value stream stage has been completed successfully and that the required outputs have been produced." Exit criteria describe the end state condition that denotes the completion of a value stream stage, as they indicate that the stage has achieved its objectives and can move on to the next stage. The other options are not correct, as they do not describe the element of a value stream stage that denotes its completion.
Question 6:
Which of the following best describes a benefit of business models?
A. They can be used to resolve conflict amongst different stakeholders.
B. They can improve communication among business executives.
C. They can be used to calculate detailed cost estimates.
D. They have a consistent format that can be easily understood.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: This answer is based on the benefit of business models as communication tools, as stated in the article "Business Models - Example, Types, Importance and Advantages" 2. According to this article, "Advantages of Business Models. A good business model gives the company a competitive edge in the industry. A strong business model provides the company good reputation in the market place encouraging investors to remain invested in the company." One of the ways that a good business model can achieve these advantages is by improving communication among business executives, as well as with other stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and investors. A clear and concise business model can help convey the value proposition, target market, revenue streams, and cost structure of the business in an effective way. The other options are not as accurate or relevant as benefits of business models.
Question 7:
In ufliai ADM Phase floes the detailed assessment ot business capability gaps occur?
A. Preliminary Phase
B. Phase A
C. Phase C
D. Phase B
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: This answer is based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase A:
Architecture Vision 3, which states that "The detailed assessment of business capability gaps belongs in Phase B as a core aspect of the Business Architecture, where the architect can help the enterprise understand gaps throughout the
business, of many types, that need to be addressed in later phases of the architecture." Therefore, Phase B is where the detailed assessment of business capability gaps occurs. The other phases are not correct for this purpose.
Question 8:
Considerthe following Business Capability Example: Which of the following ore A and C?
A. Actors, Actions.
B. Organization, Data.
C. Who, What.
D. Roles, Information
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: This answer is based on the definition and components of a business capability as "an ability that a business possesses to achieve a specific outcome" . A business capability consists of four components: who, what, where, and how. Who refers to the roles or actors that perform or enable the capability. What refers to the functions or activities that constitute the capability. Where refers to the locations or channels where the capability is executed or delivered. How refers to the processes or methods that govern the capability. In the image provided by the user, A and C are examples of who and what components, respectively. Therefore, A and C are roles and information, which are two types of who and what components.
Question 9:
Consider the following extract of a model showing relationships between Business Architecture concepts:
What is the relationship labeled Y?
A. Consists of
B. Receives
C. Enables
D. Creates
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: This answer is based on the definition of the enables relationship in the ArchiMate 3.1 Specification 1, which states that "An enabling relationship describes how an element (e.g., a node, device, or system software) enables another element (e.g., a business process, service, or function) to function." In this case, the value stream stage enables the business capability to function, as it provides the necessary inputs, outputs, and resources for the capability to deliver value. The other options are not correct, as they do not describe the relationship between a value stream stage and a business capability.
Question 10:
Compete the sentence. An objective of Phase B is to identify candidate architectureRoadmap components based upon______________________.
A. the Architecture Requirements Impact Assessment
B. the Architecture Vision created in Phase
C. gaps between the Baseline and Target Business Architectures
D. a cross-mapping of Value Stream Stages to Business Capabilities
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: This answer is based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase B:
Business Architecture , which states that "The objective here is to identify candidate Architecture Roadmap components based upon gaps between the Baseline and Target Business Architectures." The Architecture Roadmap is a document
that outlines the work packages, projects, and programs required to implement the target architecture. The gaps between the Baseline and Target Business Architectures are the differences or deficiencies in the current and future states of
the business that need to be addressed by the architecture project. The other options are not correct, as they are not the basis for identifying candidate Architecture Roadmap components.
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