What is the correct sequence of steps that you should perform to set multiple time attributes for different user groups?
A. Configure the time attributes the rule to the TER Rule Set and then to the worker via the appropriate pro > Define a custom value set > Define the single-attribute time card field > Assign to a layout set > Assign to the time entry profile.
B. Configure the time attributes > Define the single-attribute time card field > Assign to the time entry profile.
C. Configure the time attributes > Define the multiple-attribute time card filed > Assign to the time entry profile.
D. Configure the time attributes > Define the multiple-attribute time card filed > Assign to a layout set > Assign to the time entry profile.
You need to create an HCM group of workers that have the same value stored in their People Group field. How should you define the HCM group?
A. Select a delivered value set in the Group Eligibility section.
B. Select a specific People Group Segment in the Group Eligibility section on the page,
C. Select a People Group from the list of Additional Employment Attributes in the Group Eligibility section.
D. This cannot be done.
E. Define a customer-defined value set and select from the Include Group section on the page.
Your customer wants to route absence entries on time cards using absence approval rules, which uses the absence approval task to approve absence entries.
How can you achieve this requirement?
A. Set up Time Consumer Set with the appropriate option for Absence Approval Routing
B. Set up Time Categories with the appropriate option for Absence Approval Routing
C. Set up Time Setup Profile with the appropriate option for Absence Approval Routing
D. Set up Time Processing Profile with the appropriate option for Absence Approval Routing
E. Set up Time Card layout with the appropriate option for Absence Approval Routing
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