Given the following code, what IDfSysObject method is used to determine if it can be promoted?
A. canPromote()
B. IsPromotable()
C. getCanPromote()
D. getIsPromotable()
Who can always use the IDfWorkflow.addPackage() method in a workflow?
A. workflow creator user
B. workflow supervisor user
C. any user member of the workflow creator user's group
D. any user member of the workflow supervisor user's group
Which interface declares method(s) to obtain a list of workflow processes that the current user may start?
A. IDfSession
B. IDfUser
C. IDfWorkflow
D. IDfWorkitem
When IDfWorkflowBuilder.initWorkflow() is executed, what is the intial state of an installed workflow?
A. Running
B. Dormant
C. Halted
D. Initiated
Which method applies a lifecycle to an instance of a IDfSysObject?
A. attach()
B. attachPolicy()
C. applyLifecycle()
D. attachLifecycle()
Which method is used to remove a lifecycle from an IDfSysObject instance?
A. demote()
B. detachPolicy()
C. removePolicy()
D. detachLifecycle()
Given the following code:
IDfCollection result = session.getRunnableProcesses("");
What would the result contain?
A. workflow templates
B. installed workflow templates
C. instantiated workflows
D. acquired workflows
Given this lifecycle, if you have a document that is in the Suspended exception lifecycle state, how do you get back to Draft state?
A. IDfSysObject.resume("Draft",false,false,false);
B. IDfSysObject.resume("Reviewed",false,false,false);IDfSysObject.demote("Draft",false);
C. IDfSysObject.resume("Suspended",false,false,false);IDfSysObject.demote("Draft",false);
D. IDfSysObject.demote("Reviewed",false);IDfSysObject.demote("Draft",false);
When querying the dm_queue view to read a user's active workflow tasks, what information is contained in the router_id field?
A. current Activities
B. current Workitems
C. current Workflow Instances
D. current Workflow Templates
Which method resumes a workflow from a halted state to a running state?
A. IDfWorkflow.execute()
B. IDfWorkflow.resume()
C. IDfWorkflow.resumeAll()
D. IDfWorkflow.continue()
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