Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 131:

    What does the following code do?

    A. removes all versions of an object

    B. removes only the current version regardless of the version selected

    C. removes the exact object relating to the given object ID

    D. It does nothing as sysObj.save() has not been called.

  • Question 132:

    Using IDfSysObject interface, which method should be used to assign the primary content from a file located on the file system (not in memory)?

    A. setFile()

    B. setContent()

    C. addRendition()

    D. appendFile()

  • Question 133:

    Both IDfSysObject.getContent() and IDfSysObject.getFile()retrieve content. What is the preferred method to access content?

    A. always use IDfSysObject.getContent()

    B. always use IDfSysObject.getFile()

    C. use IDfSysObject.getContent() for relatively small size (few KB) content and useIDfSysObject.getFile() for larger content

    D. use IDfSysObject.getFile() for relatively small size (few KB) content and useIDfSysObject.getContent() for larger content

  • Question 134:

    You are given a list of attribute names and the value(s) associated with them. Which steps should you use to set the values on an object?

    A. Always use sysObject.setString(attrName, attrValue)

    B. 1. Determine if an attribute is repeating or not2. If repeating, call sysObject.setRepeatingString (attrName, index, attrValue)3. If not repeating, call sysObject.setString(attrName, attrValue) )

    C. 1. Determine if an attribute is repeating or not2. Determine the attribute type (such as int, boolean etc)

    3. Based on the type andif it is repeating or not, callsysObject.setRepeatingXXX(attrName,index, attrValue)4. If not repeating, call sysObject.setXXX(attrName, attrValue) where XXX represents thetype-safe method (e.g setInt(), setRepeatingTime() etc.) based on the type

    D. 1. Determine if an attribute is repeating or not2. Determine the attribute type (such as int, boolean etc)

    3. Based on the type construct the appropriate IDfValue object4. If repeating, call sysObject.setRepeatingValue(attrName, index, attrValue)5. If not repeating, call sysObject.setValue (attrName, attrValue)

  • Question 135:

    What does the following code do?

    A. imports the document into the user's default folder

    B. imports the document into the "/Temp" cabinet since the location is not specifiedexplicitly

    C. fails because the location is not specified

    D. imports the document into the "/System/DocumentsNotLinked" folder

  • Question 136:

    What is the behavior of IDfSysObject.checkin(false, "")?

    A. It saves an object in the repository, creates a new version and unlocks the object.

    B. It saves an object in the repository, does NOT create a new version and unlocks the object.

    C. It saves an object in the repository, creates a new version and retains the lock on theobject.

    D. It saves an object in the repository, does NOT create a new version and retains the lock onthe object.

  • Question 137:

    When is it appropriate to use IDfSysObject.getFile(String fileName) ?

    A. to get a file from the file system for an object

    B. to get the file to a specific location on the client machine with the default format

    C. to get a file and manipulate it in memory

    D. to get a specific page of the object and download it to the default location on the clientmachine with the default format

  • Question 138:

    What does the IDfSysObject.checkout() method do?

    A. only places a lock on an object from the repository

    B. places a lock on an object from the repository and downloads the content

    C. places a database row level lock on the rows representing the object

    D. places a lock on an object from the repository and sets its r_lock_machine attribute

  • Question 139:

    What is the default behavior when you add a directory from the file system to an import operation?

    A. The directory will be imported by itself.

    B. The directory and all documents it contains will be importeD.

    C. The directory and all files and subdirectories will be importeD.

    D. It will result in an error.

  • Question 140:

    Which statement about Operations is true?

    A. Operations can be used to Cancel Checkout.

    B. Operations can be used to Add Rendition.

    C. Operations can be used to Promote.

    D. Operations can be used to Assign Workflow.

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