The IDfValidationOperation interface is used to validate _____.
A. that objects conform to the data dictionary rules
B. that objects are not corrupt in the repository
C. any office documents, making sure that all their OLE links are valid
D. that XML documents are well formed and conform to a DTD or schema
The transform operation in the com.documentum.operations package allows you to transform _____.
A. any kind of content from one format to another and the transformed content is onlyavailable locally
B. any kind of content from one format to another and the transformed content is onlyavailable as a rendition in the repository
C. any kind of content to PDF and the transformed content is available locally or as a PDFrendition in the repository
D. only XML content using XSLT and the transformed content is available locally or in therepository
What happens when the following code for deleting a document is executed?
A. All versions of the document will be deleted.
B. Only the specific version associated with the document in question will be deleted.
C. Only the specific version associated with the document in question and all prior versionswill be deleted.
D. The document will not be deleted since the version deletion policy has not beenexplicitlyset using the op.setVersionDeletionPolicy() call.
You have a handle to an IDfVirtualDocument using the followng code: Which steps are the recommended way to only add the root node of a virtual document to the operation (i.e. in the call operaton.add(...) )?
A. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);2. Do nothing since DFC always adds the virtual document root only. If children are neededas well, they must be explicitly added by traversing the virtual document.
B. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);2. Remove the child nodes explictly from the root node (node.removeChildren()) since DFCadded them automatically.
C. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(sysObject);2. Do nothing since there is no difference between adding a regular sys object and just thevirtual document root.
D. 1. Remove the child nodes from vDoc in memory (i.e. not saving to repository) and thencall2. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);
Which code pattern is used to handle errors after execution of an operation?
A. IDfOperationMonitor myOpMonitor = ...;operation.setOperationMonitor(myOpMonitor);if (! operation.execute()){// handle errors using myOpMonitor}
B. if (! operation.execute()){...operation.reportError(...);...}
C. if (! operation.execute()){...operation.logError(...);...}
D. if (! operation.execute()){...operation.getErrors();...}
Given the following code (Assume the variables are valid.):
What is the required statement to include, in order for the code to execute successfully?
A. node.setDestinationFolderId(destnId);
B. op.setSession(session);
C. op.setOperationMonitor(myOpMonitor);
D. node.setDocbaseObjectType("dm_document");
You are using the IDfMoveOperation to move a document that is currently checked out. What is the behavior of DFC?
A. It moves the document and the lock is still present on the document.
B. IDfMoveOperation.execute() method returns false and the document location isunchangeD.
C. IDfMoveOperation.add() method throws a DfException since checked-out objects cannotbe added to a move operation.
D. It reports an error (IDfOperationError.OBJECT_CHECKED_OUT) using the operationmonitor and gives the option to still move the document.
Given the following statement for creating a IDfCheckinNode object: IDfCheckinNode node = (IDfCheckinNode)checkin.add( doc); Which statement should immediately follow?
A. if ( node == null ) { /* handle errors */ }
B. node.setFilePath( strFileName );
C. checkin.execute();
D. node.setVersionLabels("DRAFT");
Which interface provides the factory methods for creating DFC operations such as IDfImportOperation and IDfExportOperation?
A. IDfClientX
B. IDfSysObject
C. IDfSession
D. IDfSessionMgr
What happens when the abort() method is executed in the following manner? (Assume the operation is populated.)
A. This code will cause an error as the operation has already been executeD.
B. Abort can only be called from within an IDfOperationMonitor object.
C. The underlying database transaction will be rolled back.
D. The operation will attempt to undo what it did during the execution.
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