Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 181:

    Given that document is an instance of an IDfDocument object, and given the following statement: document.setObjectName("test"); What will be the outcome?

    A. The code does NOT compile.

    B. At runtime, a NoSuchMethodException is thrown because setObjectName() is definedonIDfSysObject.

    C. At runtime, a NoSuchMethodException is thrown because setObjectName() is defined onIDfPersistentObject.

    D. The code runs successfully.

  • Question 182:

    An object type test_type extends dm_document, and has an attribute test_attr of type int. An object of type test_type exists in the repository with test_attr set to 1, and the object_id parameter in the following line of code points to that object.

    IDfSysObject testObject = (IDfSysObject)session.getObject(object_id);

    What happens as the result of calling testObject.getString("test_attr") ?

    A. null

    B. "1"

    C. ""

    D. an IDfException set to DM_DFC_E_TYPE_MISMATCH

  • Question 183:

    Which files are in the DFC config directory?

    A. dfc.jar, dctm.jar, workflow.jar, dfcbase.jar

    B. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfc.jar

    C. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfcfull.properties

    D. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfcfull.properties, dctm.properties

  • Question 184:

    How can a client application adopt changes in the dmcl.ini settings regarding connection pooling?

    A. by restarting the client application, because open sessions cannot adoptconnectionpooling setting changes

    B. by restarting the repository in order to refresh the persistent cache

    C. by restarting the Connection Broker in order to reinitialize the session mapping and adoptthe connection pooling changes

    D. by rebooting the Content Server, which will flush the server connections and reinitializethe global repository

  • Question 185:

    During DFC installation, the "Primary Interop Assembly Installer checkbox" appears. What happens when this checkbox is checked?

    A. The DFC installation program executes the Microsoft installer package for the DFCPIA.

    B. The Microsoft installer package for the DFC PIA needs to be downloaded first, then theDFC installer will install the package for the DFC PIA.

    C. The DFC installation program places the Microsoft installer package for the DFC PIA intothe setup subdirectory of the DFC program root directory.

    D. The DFC installation program does not install any package, but creates aDocumentumuser account and configures the docbase to make use of the PIAfunctionality.

  • Question 186:

    What do you need in dfc.properties to combine DFC and dmcl tracing?

    A. trace_file= trace_level=

    B. dfc.tracing.combineDMCL=true

    C. dfc.tracing.DMCL=true

    D. dmcl_trace_level=

  • Question 187:

    Which entry is mandatory for the dfc.properties file?

    A. dfc.data.dir

    B. dfc.user.dir

    C. dfc.checkout.dir

    D. dfc.registry.mode

  • Question 188:

    What are the minimum entries you need in the dfc.properties file to turn on tracing?

    A. dfc.tracing.enabled=true dfc.tracing.file=

    B. dfc.tracing.enabled=true

    C. dfc.tracing.enabled=true dfc.tracing.file= dfc.tracing.level=

    D. dfc.tracing=true

  • Question 189:

    DFC is NOT required to be installed on ____.

    A. the Content Server

    B. an Application Server hosting a WDK application

    C. an end user's computer using Webtop

    D. an end user's computer using Documentum Desktop

  • Question 190:

    Where is connection pooling set?

    A. dmcl.ini

    B. server.ini

    C. dfc.properties

    D. dbor.properties

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