Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 171:

    What will the following method return when the object path contains multiple objects? Public IDfPersistentObject getObjectByPath(Sting objectPath)

    A. all objects in the object path

    B. always the first object in the object path

    C. always the last object in the object path

    D. an object in the object path that cannot be determined

  • Question 172:

    Given that attr_name is a single-valued attribute of type int with NO value set and assuming valid variables and objects, what would the following code do?

    A. throws a DfException

    B. returns the default value for int

    C. returns NULL

    D. returns a string of length 0

  • Question 173:

    Which code statements would create a new folder (assuming valid objects and variables)?

    A. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject("dm_folder");folder.setFolderName( objectName );folder.link (filePath ) ;folder.save();

    B. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject("dm_folder");folder.save();

    C. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject("dm_folder");folder.setObjectName( objectName );folder.link(filePath ) ;

    D. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject("dm_folder");folder.setObjectName( objectName );folder.save();

  • Question 174:

    What does the following code do?

    A. creates a new cabinet with the name specified by the variable "cabinetName"

    B. gives a runtime DfException of no link path

    C. gives a compilation error

    D. gives a runtime Class Cast Exception

  • Question 175:

    attr_name is an attribute of type my_type, which is a subtype of dm_document. What do the following code statements do? (Assume you have valid variables and objects.)

    A. update attr_name with "test"

    B. throw a runtime DfException

    C. update attr_name with NULL

    D. NOT update attr_name

  • Question 176:

    What does the following statement do while updating a repeating attribute "attr_name" that has only one valuein it (assuming valid objects and variables)?

    obj.setRepeatingString("attr_name", 2, "test");

    A. updates attr_name with the value "test" at the third position

    B. throws a runtime DfException

    C. updates attr_name with the value "test" at the second position

    D. appends attr_name with the value "test"

  • Question 177:

    With an IDfSysObject representing a repository object named "MyDocument," which statement is valid and returns the object name?

    A. String value = object.getValue("object_name");

    B. String value = (String)object.getValue("object_name");

    C. String value = object.getValue("object_name").asString();

    D. String value = object.getValue("object_name").toString();

  • Question 178:

    What does the IDfPersistentObject interface represent?

    A. only objects stored in the repository

    B. only objects NOT stored in the repository

    C. only objects with content stored in the repository

    D. only objects WITHOUT content stored in the repository

  • Question 179:

    Which statements are required to create a new document object and link it to the Temp cabinet?

    A. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject("dm_document");newDoc.link("/Temp");newDoc.save();

    B. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject("dm_document");newDoc.linkCabinet("/Temp");newDoc.save();

    C. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject("dm_document");newDoc.link(session.getFolderByPath("/Temp")); newDoc.save();

    D. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject("dm_document");newDoc.link(session.getIdByQualification("dm_c abinet where folder('/Temp')));newDoc.save();

  • Question 180:

    Given the following code: Which statement is valid?

    A. document.getPath()

    B. document.getType()

    C. document.getObjectId()

    D. document.getObjectName()

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