Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 61:

    Given the following TBO implementation class for an object type (assume that all BOF required interfaces and methods are implemented): What is the value of the attribute log_entry after execution of the following statement? (Assume sysObject is an instance of IDfSysObject.) sysObject.checkin(false, "");

    A. The log_entry attribute value is set to "Modified Version" in the repository.

    B. log_entry attribute value is not changed in the repository.

    C. A compilation error occurs, as there is no setString method implemented in the TBO.

    D. An exception is thrown indicating bad attribute name.

  • Question 62:

    The TBO Implementation class of doc_type_a, which is a sub-type of dm_document, extends DfDocument and overrides the doSave() method. A new object type, doc_type_b, is inserted in the hierarchy between dm_document and doc_type_a. Now, doc_type_a is a sub-type of doc_type_b. What is the outcome of creating an object of type doc_type_a, assuming the an_attribute exists at the doc_type_b level?

    A. The value of an_attribute is set to doc_type_A.

    B. The value of an_attribute is set to doc_type_B.

    C. A ClassCastException is thrown as the doc_type_a TBO implementation class does notextend docTypeBTBO class.

    D. The value of an_attribute is blank.

  • Question 63:

    What will be the outcome of executing the doSave() method in the following TBO class? (Assume the BOF required interfaces and methods are implemented.)

    A. object_name attribute will be set to "New Document" in the repository.

    B. object_name attribute will be set to "Modified Document" in the repository.

    C. object_name attribute remains unchanged in the repository.

    D. A compilation error will be thrown as there is no setObjectName method in the TBO.

  • Question 64:

    What is the purpose of IDfDynamicInheritance?

    A. allows dynamic inheritance of all IDfSysObject's public methods to the TBO

    B. provides the ability to override the parent class method

    C. allows DFC to adjust the class hierarchy at run-time

    D. allows dynamic loading of the TBO from the repository to the DFC client

  • Question 65:

    The following is a method in an SBO (assume all the variables are valid): public void updateDoc(String

    strRepository, IDfSysObject obj) {

    The following code calls this service:

    What would happen to the transaction if a DfException occurs in the SBO method?

    A. The transaction is aborted.

    B. The transaction commit method is ignored.

    C. An exception is thrown at the line sessionMgr.commitTransaction().

    D. The transaction is committed.

  • Question 66:

    Which statement is true about TBOs?

    A. A TBO can be shared between the repositories if it is registered in the global registry.

    B. A TBO can be shared as long as the repositories contain the same object type for whichthe TBO is written.

    C. A TBO cannot be shared between repositories.

    D. A TBO is not extendable.

  • Question 67:

    Which statement is true about SBOs?

    A. SBOs should be stateful whenever possible.

    B. In SBOs, sessions do not need to be released.

    C. SBOs should be instantiated once and then can be reused.

    D. SBOs should depend on DFC to cache repository data.

  • Question 68:

    In a TBO, what is the preferred override method to implement the following business rule on the object name? Business Rule: Suffix the object name with an incremental number in the format "_00001"

    A. setObjectName()

    B. setString()

    C. create a new method autoName() and call setObjectName()

    D. no method needs to be overridden, set in the Application Builder as Default Value

  • Question 69:

    Given the following code: IMyService1.createFolder() and IMyService2.createDocuments() perform steps that can be aborted if in a transaction. Which statement is true?

    A. When createDocuments()method throws an exception, both createFolder() andcreateDocuments() methods are aborted.

    B. When createDocuments() method throws an exception, only createDocuments() method isaborted.

    C. When createDocuments() method throws an exception,sessionManager.abortTransaction()throws a DfException set to DM_DFC_E_INVALID_OPER_ON_MANAGED_SESSION.

    D. SBOs do not participate in transactions.

  • Question 70:

    When implementing the isCompatible() method for an SBO, it should be implemented such that it checks whether the _____.

    A. string passed as an argument is a supported version by this SBO

    B. string passed as an argument matches a feature that the SBO supports

    C. string passed as an argument is an interface that this SBO implements

    D. SBO has a method with the name of the argument that was passed

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