Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Backup and Recovery Implementation
  • Certification
    :EMC Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :323 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 09, 2025

EMC EMC Certifications E20-593 Questions & Answers

  • Question 301:

    What is a characteristic of VCB backups in EMC NetWorker?

    A. Requires a NetWorker client on each virtual machine

    B. Requires a storage node on the VCB backup proxy

    C. Supports image and file-based backups

    D. Does not support LAN-free backup

  • Question 302:

    What is a characteristic of EMC NetWorker SnapImage module backups?

    A. Block-level backups of dense file systems

    B. Fast block-level backups of a file system mounted on a proxy server

    C. Immediate recovery of a file system from a persistent snapshot

    D. SAN-based image-level backup and recovery of file systems

  • Question 303:

    You have been tasked to protect a newly configured Microsoft SQL server residing within a two-node


    The following requirements must be met:

    Backups must be performed daily.

    All data must be transmitted over the LAN.

    Hot backup must be performed automatically regardless of which node the virtual server resides on at the

    time of backup.

    What software is required to achieve this?

    A. NetWorker Module for Microsoft Applications and SnapImage

    B. NetWorker PowerSnap Module only

    C. NetWorker Module for SQL only

    D. NetWorker Module for SQL and PowerSnap

  • Question 304:

    An EMC NetWorker customer wants to perform a complete backup of a SQL server with three databases. Which save set name should be used?

    A. MSSQL:


    C. MSSQL:*


  • Question 305:

    What is the backup command specified in the EMC NetWorker client resource for EMC Centera backups?

    A. nsrndmp_save

    B. savepnpc

    C. nsrdasv

    D. nsrsnap_vss_save.exe

  • Question 306:

    In an EMC NetWorker environment, a Lotus Notes backup just failed. To make sure the Lotus Notes NetWorker client is properly configured, what should be checked?

    A. The Lotus Notes client name is set to the Lotus Notes database instance.

    B. The Backup command attribute for the Lotus Notes client is set to nsrnotesv.

    C. The Apps and Modules remote user and password fields are blank.

    D. The client directive attribute is set to "Lotus Notes".

  • Question 307:

    When creating an EMC NetWorker application-based snapshot, in what order are the steps performed?

    A. 1. Freeze application


    Flush buffers


    Take snapshot


    Thaw application

    B. 1. Flush buffers


    Freeze application


    Take snapshot


    Thaw application

    C. 1. Freeze application


    Take snapshot


    Commit writes


    Thaw application

    D. 1. Commit writes


    Freeze application


    Take snapshot


    Thaw application

  • Question 308:

    A customer has an Oracle 11g database running on a RAC cluster with ASM. It occupies approximately 5 TB on a Symmetrix DMX. They have an RTO of four hours. They intend to implement PowerSnap with EMC NetWorker version 7.6 to back up the BCVs using RMAN scripts and a proxy host.

    What prevents this implementation from being successful?

    A. PowerSnap is not supported on Oracle 11g with EMC NetWorker 7.6.

    B. BCVs cannot be mounted to a proxy host with a RAC cluster.

    C. RTO of four hours cannot be accomplished.

    D. ASM does not support proxy hosts.

  • Question 309:

    You have successfully configured three SQL servers for backup with the EMC NetWorker Module for SQL. These servers are configured as follows:

    Save set: MSSQL: All three clients are in the same group Data for this group is sent to the SQL_Bkup pool

    Scheduled backup of the group shows that all SQL data from the three servers was successfully backed

    up. However, when you attempt to recover the SQL data using the standard NetWorker user GUI, you only see file system data to recover.

    What must you do to recover the SQL data backed up with the NetWorker module?

    A. Launch the NetWorker User for SQL.

    B. Modify the browse time within the NetWorker user GUI to show the period for which you want to recover.

    C. Use the Microsoft SQL Server native tools to recover the data from NetWorker.

    D. Modify the save set to include an instance or database name after MSSQL:.

  • Question 310:

    Which Microsoft VSS component is responsible for creation and maintenance of a shadow copy?

    A. Provider

    B. Requestor

    C. Writer

    D. Interceptor

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