Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
  • Certification
    :ISEB Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :165 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 07, 2025

ISEB ISEB Certification FCBA Questions & Answers

  • Question 91:

    The entity relationship model below shows the relationship between Product and Order. Which of the following business rules is correct and is reflected in the diagram?

    A. The maximum number of products on one order is eight.

    B. The maximum number of products on one order is unlimited.

    C. The minimum number of orders for each product is one.

    D. The minimum number of products on each order is zero.

  • Question 92:

    One of the claimed advantages of buying a software package is that it is possible to predict future maintenance costs with some certainty. How would these costs be classified in a cost- benefit analysis?

    A. As an intangible cost.

    B. As a tangible benefit.

    C. As a tangible cost.

    D. As an intangible benefit.

  • Question 93:

    Why should requirements be SMART?

    A. To ensure that the requirement supports business objectives.

    B. To ensure that the requirement is intelligently expressed.

    C. To ensure that the requirement is well formed.

    D. To ensure that the requirement is graphically modelled.

  • Question 94:

    Which of the following is explicitly considered as a force in Porter's five forces model?

    A. Rivalry between suppliers.

    B. Government legislation.

    C. Internal business processes.

    D. Bargaining power of buyers.

  • Question 95:

    Description, impact assessment, probability and countermeasures are usually recorded for which of the following?

    A. Requirements.

    B. Risks.

    C. Stakeholdei-s.

    D. Key Performance Indicators.

  • Question 96:

    What is the model of a current business process often called?

    A. The AS-IS model.

    B. The AS-IF model.

    C. The n-IS model.

    D. The IS-IT model.

  • Question 97:

    Every night, at midnight, a system automatically raises invoices for customers that have placed orders that day. The invoice is sent electronically by email to customers. What is the event that triggers the production of invoices?

    A. Midnight on the system clock.

    B. The receipt of an order from a customer.

    C. The email system.

    D. The batch invoice production job.

  • Question 98:

    A company holds information about 1000 customers. It receives, on average, 50 orders per day. Each order must be placed by only one customer. Customers must have placed at least one order but may place several. An analyst has shown an association between the classes Customer and Order. What multiplicities should she show at the Order end of this association?

    A. 0..*.

    B. 1.*.

    C. 0..50.

    D. 1..1000.

  • Question 99:

    The Business Activity Model shows the doing activities' of a business system. Which element of CATWOE do these activities relate to?

    A. Transformation.

    B. Actors.

    C. Environment.

    D. Owner.

  • Question 100:

    Which of the following statements about change and change management is correct?

    A. Change management should be considered right from the start of the project.

    B. Change management should first be considered in the design stage of the project.

    C. The management of change is the sole responsibility of the project manager.

    D. Social and cultural factors have little influence on the success of implementing changes.

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